Computing Articles
- Memories - Tesco and the IBM PC - 1982
- The History of the Computer Mouse
- Preserving our Computer Heritage
- Punched Card Patents
- A Research Center for Augmenting Human Intellect
- Digital 60 - Manchester Baby
- Seymour Cray
- Sinclair ZX81 - Review
- Memories - Notes by a physicist who dabbled with computers - John Yates
- Memories - Using the Psion Organizer 1992 to 2004
- Visit to the Computer History Centre by Matthew Tinker aged 9
- Memories - BCL SUSIE MARK 2
- Pandora: Pandoring To Big Brother
- The CCAT Videodisc - A New Resource for Physics Education
- Marketing Plans for the ICL OPD
- Memories - The origins of the commercial use of the spreadsheet in accounting?
- Memories - Co-ordinating the Domesday System
- The Compiler Compiler
- The Manchester University Atlas Operating System
- Ferranti "The Atlas Supervisor"
- Memories - UK101 and using Computers in the RAF
- Computer Typesetting in the UK - A Review
- Memories - Some Jottings From My Past
- Memories - Recollections of a Typewriter Mechanic
- Memories - Working with the Commodore PET and the BBC Micro by Dr Geoff Luxford
- Me and My Computer by Thomas Turnbull
- Memories - Post Office MATS (Mechanical Accounting & Trunk Sorting)
- Personal Computer World ACT Apricot Review Reprint
- Memories - Early Computing with the Science of Cambridge MK14 and the SIB (Small Is Beautiful) Computer
- Memories - Getting Started with the Texas Instruments TI-99/4A by Stephen Shaw
- Memories - From Hollerith to a Laptop by Bubbles Whiting
- Memories - The Novachord and the father of ENIAC by Dan Wilson
- Predicting Waveshapes Using a Computer - Part I - The Resistor-Capacitor Circuit
- Predicting Waveshapes Using a Computer - Part II - The Capacitor-Resistor Circuit
- Predicting Waveshapes Using a Computer - Part III - The Resistor-Inductor Circuit
- Predicting Waveshapes Using a Computer - Part IV - Transformer Mutual Induction
- Predicting Waveshapes Using a Computer - Part V - The Resistor-Inductor-Capacitor Circuit
- Predicting Waveshapes Using a Computer - Part VI - The Inductor/Resistor/Capacitor Series Circuit
- Predicting Waveshapes Using a Computer - Part VII - The Rectifier Circuit
- Memories - Notes on Ferranti, 1974-1991
- Memories - Computing in Schools - The Early Years
- Memories - Business Computer Limited (BCL): 40 Year-Old Memories
- Memories - Commodore Plus/4
- Memories - My History of Computing - From a School Teacher
- Memories - Learning with the ZX81
- Memories - Computers in the Dark Ages (Apricot Computers)
- Memories - The Tatung Einstein (2)
- Memories - Toshiba T3200 Application and Usage
- Memories - Me and My Toys
- Memories - Memories at Apricot
- Memories - A Personal History of a Cambridge Concern
- Memories - The Tatung Einstein (1)
- Memories - Memories of a Programmer
- Memories - MZ80B - Fond Memories
- Memories - TI990
- Memories - TI990 - An Engineer's View
- Article - Cassette Recording with the BBC Micro
- Memories - How I Learned to Love Autocode
- BBC 1's Tomorrow's World Experiment
- At home with computers
- Press Cuttings on the AIDS Trojan Attack, 1989
- Memories - Operating the Cadbury Orion computer in the mid-1960s
- 40 Years of Space Invaders
- Software Bill of Material
- Software Bill of Material
- Software Bill of Material
- Birmingham Museum
- Mary Coombs shares her story
- Electronic Data Processing
- LEO I and the BR Job
- Information Technology Implementation: The Case of the World’s First Business Computer: The Initiation Phase
- LEO Computers in Australia
- The Provision of Digital Computers to British Universities up to the Flowers Report (1966)
- Pioneers of Payroll on Computers: LEO, the Army, the Navy Dockyards and De Havilland
- Electronic Abacus
- It’s Quicker by Computer: ‘LEO’ Works out Rail Distances
- The LEO Computer: a case study in the use of an electronic computer in routine clerical work
- Getting to grips with computers
- Notes on Commissioning of LEO Automatic Office at the Ministry of Pensions
- Advanced Data Processing
- Command by Magnetic Rings
- Introducing LEO III
- EE-LEO Brochure for LECTOR System
- Daily Mail Obituary for LEO I
- LEO III/7 Fire
- Electronic Computers & Their Possible Applications
- The Post Office enters the Computer Age
- Stewarts and Lloyds Steelworks
- The LEO approach: an evaluation
- Systems Design – Then and Now
- Inventing Systems Engineering
- LEO Conference Report
- The World’s first commercial computer went into operation 50 years ago in Britain. Who developed it?
- The Teashops that Ruled the IT World
- Mainframe Computers
- User-Driven Innovation: Review
- Lessons from LEO the Lyon
- David Caminer, creator of the first business computer
- Information Age? The challenges of displaying information and communication technologies
- User-Driven Innovation: the World’s First Business Computer: Review
- LEO, the Pride of Lyons
- On being employed by a computing pioneer – Leo Fantl
- The First Business Computer
- 1950s Computer Training Package
- Computing was a piece of cake
- ‘….And How to Avoid Them’
- LEO and its Applications: the Beginning of Business Computing
- Back to Basics
- 7 Ways Computers will change our lives
- The Story of an Innovation
- Behind The Curtain at LEO
- Unveiling the plaque
- ICL and the Evolution of the British Main Frame
- Teashop boffin who pioneered business computing
- Perspectives: Unlearnt lessons of Leo
- Lyons Electronic Office: How LEO Works
- The Big Battle with Blue
- LEO: The First Business Computer, Review
- How Brit Computer Maker Beat IBM's S/360 - and Soviet Spies
- Blighty's Revolutionary Cold War Teashop Computer - and Nigella Lawson
- From Cambridge to Café, The LEO Story
- Book Review: ‘A Computer Called LEO’
- A Virtual LEO III
- The Day LEO Roared
- Corby & The Electronic Brain: LEO II
- The Inaugural Pinkerton Lecture
- Academic Blog
- LEO I: The Construction of the World's First Business Computer
- The First Business Computer
- LEO Computers Marks 60th Anniversary
- Conversation: J.M.M. Pinkerton
- Application of Digital Computers to Chrystallography
- Simmons, John Richardson Mainwaring
- Pioneer of Business Systems 'Father of Office Computing'
- David Tresman Caminer (1915-2008)
- An Introduction to Compiler Writing
- How Technology Can Improve the UK
- LEO Conference 2001
- John Simmons: Interview
- John Pinkerton: Self Interview
- John Pinkerton: Interview
- Mary Blood (Mary Coombs): Interview
- Frank Land: Interview by Thomas Lean
- Frank Land: Interview by Alan Eardley
- Frank Land: Interview by ArchivesIT
- Vale Wallace Weaving: An Appreciation
- British Journal of Administrative Management Special Issue
- Market Research Applications on LEO
- The Operations Control Center Multi-Computer Operating System
- Landmarks: How the king of the jungle grew up on tea and cakes
- Toward System Software
- Maintenance Procedures on a Computer
- The Institute of Administrative Management: Seventy-five Innovative Years
- Chris Date: Interview
- The lion that failed to roar, LEO
- Reconstructing the early electronic computers
- The Teashop Computer Manufacturer: J. Lyons, Leo and the Potential and Limits of High-Tech Diversification
- Ralph Land: Interview
- Betty Newman (Betty Cooper): Interview
- Roger Coleman: Interview
- Ernest Roberts: Interview
- Ninian Eadie: Interview
- Maurice Bonney: Memoir
- Tom Brooks: Memoir
- Linda M Chapman (Linda Robertson): Commentary
- Anthony Robin Davies: Commentary
- Stephen Evans: Memoir
- Bill Forfar: Reminiscence
- John Godwin: Memoir
- John Goodwin: Reminiscence
- Emil Gottwald: Reminisence
- Valerie Grose: Reminiscence
- Denis Hitchens: Reminiscence
- Brian Hobson: Reminiscences
- Colin Hobson: Reminiscence
- Joe McNulty: Memoir
- W.E.J. (John) Parry: Memoir
- Chris Reynolds: Memoir
- Mike Smith: Memoir
- David Tebbs: Memoir
- Tony Weber: Commentary
- Michael Wilson: Commentary
- John Winterbottom: Memoir
- BBC Calling Europe
- BBC French Service
- London’s Home Movies
- 60th Anniversary Event
- Eric Schmidt 2011 MacTaggart Lecture
- Disappearing Britain: The British Cuppa with Wendy Craig
- Electronic Brains
- LEO: Making History
- LEO, the British computer that roared
- How the Computer Changed the Office Forever
- The I.T. Girls
- Celebrating the UK’s Computer Pioneers
- 4 Extra at Bletchley Park
- The ONE Show
- Hidden Histories of the Information Age
- Information Age: the (cake) computer that changed our world
- Widows from East Sheen and Esher gather for tribute to their husbands' pioneering computer work
- Ways of Thinking
- In Business
- Discover Corby’s computing heritage with new exhibition
- Interview with Neville Lyons
- Lyons Lithographs interview
- Computing Britain
- The Joy of Data
- It's Early Days for the use of AI in Medicine
- One of the world's first computers gets VR reboot
- BBC Look East
- Grantchester
- LEO: II computer in una tazza da tè
- A Reminiscence
- Computer Story
- Software, A Progress Report on the LEO III Intercode and Master Routine Emulator
- A LEO III: 21st Century Hindsight
- LEO III Software Rescue
- Intercode and Master Routines
- History of the Leo III Software Preservation Project: Blow by Blow Account
- David Caminer analyses what went wrong with one of the world’s first computers, the LEO
- LEO - Lyons Electronic Office: world's first business machine
- Data Processing, the history of the domain of Data Processing from 1954 to 1984
- A Computer in the Mail Order Business
- Freemans (London, SW9)
- LEO - A Checking Device for Punched Pape Tape
- Early Commercial Computing
- LEO in OZ
- Systems Analysis for Business Applications
- LEO, The First Business Computer: A Personal Experience
- Computers in Purchasing and Stores Departments: LEO at the Ford Motor Company Spares Depot
- LEO, A Personal Memoir
- The First Business Computer: A Case Study in User-Driven Innovation
- A Historical Analysis of Implementing IS at J.Lyons
- The Widening Field
- A computer called LEO: Review:
- LEO II and the Model T Ford
- Appreciation of Professor Colin Tully (1936-2007)
- The use of history in IS research: an opportunity missed?
- The Story of LEO the World's First Business Computer
- Early History of the Information Systems Discipline in the UK: An account based in living through the period
- Teleprocessing and LEO
- Review: Programmed Inequality: How Britain Discarded Women Technologists and lost its Edge in Computing
- Lyons Teashops
- Behind the Iron Curtain
- LEO in East Europe
- 65 years ago the age of the computer sell a better tea cake
- The General Post Office (ii)
- LEO and English Electric
- A Brief History of Early British Computers
- Visual Presentation of Binary Numbers
- LEO - Operations and Maintenance
- Automatic Square-Rooting on a Computer
- Study of Static Charge on Paper Tape
- Acoustic Noise in the Computer Room
- Talking to the Computer
- Time Sharing on LEO lll
- The Management of a Large Commercial Computer Bureau
- Glyn Mills Bank and Army and Air Force Officers Payroll
- London Remembers
- Intriguing History
- Marconi in Computers
- Andrew Wylie
- I Love ICL
- Museums Victoria, Melbourne
- Computer History Archives Project
- Mysterious Death of Dennis Skinner
- Biography of John Maurice McClean Pinkerton
- LEO: The Lyons Electronic Office. The story of the First Business Computer
- LEO, the First Business Computer
- Neville Lyons Correspondence, Research, Talks
- Review: ‘Electronic Dreams’ by Tom Lean
- David Caminer, a Pioneer of Computing Dies at 92
- The Legacy of LEO: Lessons learned from an English Tea and Cakes Company: Pioneering efforts in Information Systems
- AIS, LEO and the Pursuit of Good Work
- Review of a Computer Called LEO
- A Discussion on the Use of Electronic Processing Equipment
- Commissioning LEOs — a Memoir
- LEO Lives: LEO DME, Another story……
- LEO Plaque Unveiling in London
- Coping with the 'American giants': mergers, relationships and attempted partnerships in the European computer industry in the early sixties
- Validity & Correctness before the OS: the case of LEO I and LEO II
- From Academia to Business: the case of EDSAC and LEO
- LEO, Olivetti e i primi computercommerciali in Europa:un'occasione perduta?
- End of Moore’s Law? What’s next might be more exciting
- British transistor manufacturers in the 1950s
- LEO Computer Reunion 2010
- John’s (John Parry) Story
- The Case For The First Business Computer
- Automatic Frequency Control
- Patent Application: Improvements in and relating to data transfer apparatus
- Operating and Engineering Experience Gained with LEO
- The LEO System
- LEO: History and Technical Description
- Features of the LEO IIC Computer
- The Evolution of Design in a Series of Computers
- Large-Scale Computing in the Seventies
- Performance Problems with LEO I
- The Early History of LEO: The First Data Processing Computer
- Taming LEO – Overcoming the Inherent Unreliability of LEO
- The Influence of the Cambridge Mathematical Laboratory on the LEO Project
- Evolution of Constructional Methods from Radios to Computers
- Living with Computers
- The Potentialities of a Computer in the Smaller Office
- CODIL: The Architecture of an Information Language
- Algorithms aren't everything
- World’s First Business Computer Celebrates 60th Anniversary
- Key Points in 2001
- When Lyons roared
- J. Lyons & Co: Annual General Meeting Report
- From LEO to Deep Mind: Britain’s computing pioneers
- Higher Systems
- Innovation in a tea shop, whatever next?
- Electronics in the Office
- The First Business Computer: A Case Study in User-Driven Innovation Review
- The Scope for Electronic Computers in the Office
- Diminishing Returns
- Four Years of Automatic Office Work
- Problems of Auditing Computing Data: Internal Audit Practice and External Audit Theory
- Fundamental Principles of Expressing a Procedure for a Computer Application
- The curse of the monitor
- Real-Time Software Design Tool. Applying Lessons from LEO
- Middlesex University Scholarships and Awards 2016
- A Third Survey of Domestic Digital Computing Systems
- Computerised payroll's Golden anniversary
- John Pinkerton and Lyons Electronic Office
- Business Innovation: Introduction of new methods into business operations
- How a chain of tea shops kickstarted the computer age
- Of Bunkers, Bytes, and Cakes
- The Brains Behind The Buttons
- Early Computers in Europe
- History of the Kidsgrove Works
- John Aeberhard: Reminiscences around LEO
- A non-technical description of E.D.S.A.C: How the Cambridge Electronic Calculator works
- New Computers for the Post Office
- Meet LEO, the World’s First Business Computer
- Inventing Systems Engineering
- Oral-History: Arnold Beck
- LEO and the Computer Revolution
- The Royal Dockyards
- Alistair Cochrane: LEO Operating Memories
- OBE for Frank Land of LEO fame
- How Lyons Produced the World’s First Large Business Computer
- The General Post Office (i)
- The Early Days
- Into South Africa
- A look back at LEO
- LEO III: a rave from grave
- Editorial: The History and Philosophy Department
- Grantchester
- Unearthing LEO and the Managers
- What makes a history 'hidden'?
- On-line Leo III User Manuals
- Freemans Mail Order
- LEO I – Recreating the Word’s First Business Computer
- History of LEO in Australia: As recalled by Neil Lamming
- Explore our LEO Computers Collection
- From Tea Shops to Computer Company: The Improbable Story of LEO
- QUIS LEO Aptitude Test
- Lifetime AIS Member Receives OBE
- A Conversation between Frank Land and Antony Bryant
- Current Developments in Commercial Automatic Programming
- LEO, Lyons Electronic Office: The World’s first Business Computer
- The LEO Computers Society Heritage Project
- GPO Origins of Billing Computer System
- On the Origins of LEO
- The First Business Application: a Significant Milestone in Software History
- Information Revolution
- The First Business Computer: A Case Study in User-Driven Innovation
- Reflections on Decision Support Pioneers
- Electronic Computers in the Office
- My family’s firm dished up tea to Britain and death to the Nazis
- Sir Joseph Lyons: A double anniversary
- OBE for Frank Land
- Clerical Research
- LEO I Virtual Reality Project
- Report on visit of inspection to LEO III/ in Edinburgh Museum
- "Check Everything”: Validity and Correctness in LEO III
- The gradual acceptance of a variety of commercial English languages
- The Formation of ICL and the New Range
- A Short Description of the EDSAC Type Calculator Circuits Used in LEO
- Lyons: pride before a fall
- The heyday of computing: How the Brits ruled IT
- Computer scientist Frank Land receives OBE
- A Life in Computing
- Principles of Security
- A Celebration of Life in the 40s, 50s and 60s
- IT pioneer is awarded OBE
- English Electric and its successors at Kidsgrove
- John Pinkerton and Lyons Electronic Office
- Fifty Glorious Years Staffordshire's Role in the Development of Computing
- Vintage ICL Computers
- Graham Briscoe: Reminiscence
- Dick Cromwell: LEO Memories
- Ray Dawson: Reminiscences
- George Drummond: GPO (BT) Reminiscence
- Mike Finlay: Memories of LEO
- John Edwards: Reminiscence
- John Simon Florentin, Computer Operator
- John Forbes: Reminiscences
- Gloria Guy: Reminiscence
- David Holdsworth: Reminiscence
- Stan Holwill: My LEO Involvement & Memories
- Carole Hynam: Working for Wills as a 15 year old in the late 1950s
- Ron Marshall: Reminiscence
- Ray Smith: Reminiscences of a LEO III Operator and Intercode Programmer
- John Thompson
- Mike Tyzack's story with LEO computers
- Faith Van Rooyen
- Alan Wakefield: reminiscence
- Harry Warner: Reminiscence
- Pat Whitaker: Commentary
- Norman Witkin: Memoir of working with LEO in South Africa
- Witness History: From Cakes to Computers
- The Future of Computer History
- U3A: Remembering LEO
- Why Lyon’s Leo was the Met Office’s cup of tea
- Interview with Les Turtle
- John Tomlinson: Memories
- Mike Cowlard: Reminiscences of a LEO Operator
- Barry Hooper, Programmer Shell Australia
- Judy Smythson (nee Worrall)
- Copy Protection Systems For Home Micros
- Automatic Programming Languages for Business and Science
- Personality Profile: T.R. Thompson
- Review: Automatic Programming Languages for Business and Science
- Obituary: John Gosden
- Timesharing History: An Update
- LEO: the World’s First Business Computer
- Special Requirements for Commercial or Administrative Applications
- Timesharing History: the UK Story
- Barbara Dickens: Reminiscence
- Nigel Furness: Reminiscence
- Jeff Goodenough
- Report on Neville Lyons lecture to London Appreciation Society
- Strategic Issues in Information Technology: Challenges, Strategies and Innovation in Managing Information Systems
- Marconi in Computers and Automation
- Byting the Biscuit
- Thomas Raymond Thompson: Bio/Description
- Peter Baker: Reminiscence
- John Fletcher: Reminiscence
- Brian Grimshaw: Reminiscence
- Ron Kirby: Reminiscence
- Andrew Murison: Reminiscence
- John Oates: Commentary
- Cynthia Reid: Commentary
- Geoff Weston: Reminiscence
- Penny Woodward: Reminiscence
- LEO: Publicising and preserving the World’s first business computer
- Tony Carrol: Reminiscence
- Chris Parker: Comment
- Alison Taylor: Reminiscence
- From baking to business computing
- Tom Carrington: the real story of II/11
- Tom Coventry: Life with the LEOs
- Stan Evans: Reminiscences
- Computers for Shell-Mex and BP
- Wythenshawe: The Second Computer Centre for Shell-Mex and BP
- Ann Moffitt, retired CEO of F International, reminiscence
- Brian Skillen: Memories of my time operating LEO I
- A Royal Visitor
- Lyons Electronic Office: The World’s First Business Computer
- Thoughts on the ICL Basic Language Machine
- Robin Davies: Reminiscence
- John V Panter: Reminiscence
- Anthony (Tony) Thorpe: Reminiscence
- Designing a computer for data processing
- The Thinking Behind EDSAC
- Ray Shaw: Interview
- How Lyons Teashops Powered Computers
- The emergence of business computing in the UK and in Italy: a comparison between LEO Computers and Olivetti
- Ken Kemp: Reminiscence
- Fred Whittaker: Reminiscence
- Electronic Brain on the Payroll
- Electronic Clerk Takes Over
- LEO Foundation
- John Daines: Glynn Mills Payroll
- Ross Milbourne: Memoir and Tribute to Lyons, LEO and its People
- John Sutherland: Reminiscence
- Plaque: LEO - world's first business computer
- Software - LEO III
- The LEO Computer (Exatours)
- Michael Hancock
- Hackney Archives
- Australian Computer Museum Society
- Michael Guy: LEO Master Routine
- John Daines: Reminiscence
- John Daines: Intercode
- Alan Hooker: Memoir
- John Paschoud: Printing Braille Programmes
- Time-Line Computer Archive
- John Durham: Interview
- Brian Grimshaw: Interview
- Greg Wojtan: My Days with LEO
- Margaret Baty: Interview
- John Page: Interview
- Anonymous Reminiscence
- Peter Mills: Memoir
- The UK not the USA produced the first ever business computer
- Book Review: IT Girl: Ann Moffatt
- Peter Guest: Reminiscence written by Margaret Guest
- Helen Clark (Helen Jackson): Interview
- Wendy Forward: Memoir by her daughter Anna C Page
- Valerie Grose: Further Reminiscences
- Helen Clark (Helen Jackson): Reminiscence
- TR Thompson – The Leo Computer: A London connection
- The LEO I, there was a machine
- Hardware in Europe
- Eileen Smith: Reminiscence
- Bill Jack, English Electric Engineer (team leader) Ravenscraig LEO III, Recollection
- How Many LEOs?
- History of organizational use of information technology to 1980
- Secrets of Eastcote Government Office Site: The Customs Excise Years
- An edited transcript of the LEO Women’s Forum
- Computers for Business
- Review: Conversation with Frank Land
- The Story of LEO
- LEO the worlds first business computer
- LEO Computers, Olivetti and the emergence of business computing in Europe
- LEO: Office Automation is still going strong
- Museum of Computing, Swindon
- Matt Taub: Reminiscence
- A brief history of STL
- Stewart Logan: LEO III at Ravenscraig
- Inside the Factory: Malt Loaf
- Library's Computer Program - Press Article
- Look out you typists!
- MP Sees LEO at Work
- Will Automation Cost You Your Job?
- Tomorrow's World
- Chris Metcalfe: Reminiscence
- Robert Murphy: Reminiscence
- Brian Beagley: Life Profile
- Defiance to Compliance: Visions of the computer in post-war Britain
- John Page: My time at LEO
- Early LEO I Programs
- Antiques Road Trip
- Alan Kay
- LEO Film and Video Presentation, PACIS Conference 2022
- User’s experience of CLEO
- J. Lyons and Co.
- LEO Film Wins ABSW Video of the Year Award
- Colvilles Technical Office Report Systems Development on the LEO III/32
- Colvilles Ltd., Ravenscraig Steelworks - Use of Lector OMR in LEO III systems
- LEO III/32 at Colvilles Ltd, Ravenscraig Works
- Mary Coombs
- Courtaulds Share Registration Program - a First?
- LEO Remembered, 2nd edition, by the people who worked on the world’s first business computer
- Andy Solly: Reminiscence
- Remembering the World's First Business Computer
- Peter Hermon
- Ann Moffatt: Reminiscence
- Great British Innovation Vote - Georgina Ferry
- Just 2KB of Memory: LEO the world's first business computer celebrates its 60th birthday
- Notes on the Way Mercury Delay Tubes Operate
- LEO-related mergers of the Uk computer industry 1963-2002
- Review of “LEO remembered—By the people who worked on the world's first business computer”
- LEO remembered—By the people who worked on the world's first business computer
- Philip Cleary: Docos House, a reminiscence
- Graham Kinch: reminiscence
- User-driven innovation: the world’s first business computer: review
- Power for the People - Amstrad PC 2386 Review
- Glider Fuselage Design with the Aid of Computer Graphics
- The Computer Aided Design Centre - Two Years On
- CAD Centre's Role in Construction Industry Projects
- Acorn Aatom
- TI990
- DynaBookSatellite 110CS/810 - что это?
- MZ-80B - Fond Memories
- How I learned to love Autocode
- "The Works Records System" - a mainframe spreadsheet system developed at ICI in 1974
- Osborne 1 service Manual
- flex banner
- abs sheet
- acrylic sheet
- pvc foam board
- Memories of a Programmer – Helen Young
- Tatung Einstein
- A Personal History of a Cambridge Concern by Dave Joyner
- MY computer history
- Memories at Apricot
- Sharp MZ80K
- Me and My Toys
- The Social Impact of Computers - One Man's Story
- Toshiba T3200 Application and Usage.
- Tatung Einstein
- B-25
- Computers In The Dark Ages
- A brief history of British computers: the first 25 years (1948 - 1973).
- Using the Psion Organizer 1992 to 2004
- Memories : Learning with the ZX81
- My history of computing - from a School Teacher
- Dp departments and the micro - by G. Luxford
- Commodore Plus/4 by Paul Abbott
- The GEC 4000 Series Minicomputers - Where did they go?
- Anyone remember visiting their local "ComputerTown Meetings" ?
- Museum Donations
- A tribute to the simplicity of the GUI