Computer Museum

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The B-25 was built by Burroughs at the Flemington, NJ facility. The plant was located at the corner of Route 202 and Bartles Corner Road. It is currently the site of 3M.

The B-25 was designed by Convergent Technologies and was also built at their Roseville, CA plant as the C-25.

The machine's operating system was CTOS, also called BTOS by Burroughs. Burroughs bought Convergent Technologies in 1988.

These machines offered multitasking and were networkable in the early 1980s. Move over Microsoft, these guys were way ahead of you!

Burroughs had three factories in New Jersey. Flemington, Piscataway and Warren (also called Plainfield). Warren was the oldest of the plants and was Haydu before Burroughs purchased it in the 1950s. Warren manufactured Nixie tubes as well as building Plasma displays including both seven segment displays and dot matrix displays. In the 1970s Burroughs offered a flat plasma computer display and keyboard on a desk top as a computer terminal. (just a little ahead of their time) Flemington designed and built computer terminals and PCs. Piscataway built memory for main frames.

Burroughs purchased Sperry in the mid 1980s and the new company is called Unisys.

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