Home > LEO Computers > Lyons Electronic Office (LEO) Archive > CMLEO/DC - David Caminer Papers > Writings - Lectures, ... pers and Publications > Draft Lecture Notes f ... e (CMLEO/DC/LP/56557) > Shell-Mex Visit (CMLEO/DC/LP/56557/3) |
Shell-Mex Visit (CMLEO/DC/LP/56557/3)
Description: Notes and drafts for a 'sales pitch' talk given by David Caminer during a visit by Shell-Mex executives.
LEO III/6 and III/14 would later be installed at Shell-Mex/BP at Hemel Hempstead.
Covering Dates: Oct 1960
Archive Reference: CMLEO/DC/LP/56557/3
Provenance: From David Caminer's papers.