Dates In History
0001 [Detail]
1605 [Detail]
1613 [Detail]
1614 [Detail]
1622 [Detail]
1623 [Detail]
1642 [Detail]
1666 [Detail]
1703 [Detail]
1791 [Detail]
26th December | Charles Babbage is born |
1815 [Detail]
10th December | Ada, Lady Lovelace, is born |
1820 [Detail]
18th November | Thomas de Colmar patents the Arithmometer |
1822 [Detail]
1833 [Detail]
5th June | Ada Lovelace meets Charles Babbage |
1837 [Detail]
1843 [Detail]
1851 [Detail]
1860 [Detail]
29th February | Herman Hollerith is born |
1873 [Detail]
1874 [Detail]
17th February | Thomas J. Watson Sr. is born |
1878 [Detail]
29th October | Willgodt T. Odhner patents the Odhner Arithmometer |
1887 [Detail]
11th October | Dorr E. Felt patents the comptometer |
1888 [Detail]
21st January | Babbage's Analytical Engine operates for the first time |
21st August | William Seward Burroughs patents his calculating machine |
1889 [Detail]
8th January | Herman Hollerith patents punch card technology |
23rd September | Nintendo is founded |
1890 [Detail]
1901 [Detail]
10th September | Herman Hollerith patents mechanical key punch |
1906 [Detail]
9th December | Computer pioneer Grace Hopper is born |
1911 [Detail]
15th June | 3 companies merge to become CTR |
1914 [Detail]
1st May | Thomas J. Watson Sr. joins CTR |
1918 [Detail]
1919 [Detail]
9th April | ENIAC designer Presper Eckert is born |
1923 [Detail]
8th November | Integrated circuit co-inventor Jack Kilby is born |
1924 [Detail]
14th February | CTR becomes IBM |
1925 [Detail]
30th January | Douglas Engelbart is born |
28th September | Supercomputer pioneer Seymour Cray is born |
22nd October | Julius Lilienfeld patents the transistor |
1928 [Detail]
1928 | Introduction of 80-column IBM punch card format |
13th December | Jack Tramiel is born |
1929 [Detail]
17th November | Herman Hollerith dies |
1934 [Detail]
1936 [Detail]
11th April | Konrad Zuse patents fundamental ideas for Z1 |
30th November | Alan Turing invents the principle of the modern computer |
1937 [Detail]
1937 | The Atanasoff–Berry Computer is first conceived |
12th November | ILLIAC IV designer Daniel Slotnick is born |
1938 [Detail]
1939 [Detail]
1st January | Hewlett-Packard is founded |
1940 [Detail]
1941 [Detail]
12th May | Konrad Zuse builds the Z3 |
1942 [Detail]
1943 [Detail]
January 1943 | The first computing journal is published |
9th April | Work begins on ENIAC |
December 1943 | The Colossus Mark 1 computer is delivered to Bletchley Park |
1944 [Detail]
May 1944 | Harvard Mark I becomes operational |
1945 [Detail]
8th February | IBM files a patent for the Harvard Mark I |
July 1945 | Vannevar Bush publishes his influential essay |
1946 [Detail]
14th February | ENIAC is announced |
19th February | Alan Turing proposes the Automatic Computing Engine, or ACE |
11th December | The Williams-Kilburn tube, the first RAM, is patented |
1947 [Detail]
9th September | First computer "bug" is found |
1948 [Detail]
27th January | IBM builds the Selective Sequence Electronic Calculator |
21st June | The Manchester Baby, the world's first stored program computer, runs its first program |
1949 [Detail]
6th May | EDSAC runs its first program |
13th June | Jay Forrester records idea for core memory |
August 1949 | EDVAC is delivered to the Ballistics Research Laboratory |
29th November | Professor Bill Phillips unveils MONIAC at the LSE |
1950 [Detail]
1950 | Zuse sells the first Z4 computer |
September 1950 | The Elliott 152 computer is completed |
1951 [Detail]
12th February | Ferranti Mark 1 delivered to Manchester University |
31st March | The first UNIVAC is sold to the United States Census Bureau |
5th September | LEO I computer becomes operational |
1952 [Detail]
1952 | Grace Hopper completes the A-0 compiler |
July 1952 | Heinz Nixdorf founds Nixdorf Computer |
4th November | CBS News uses a UNIVAC computer to predict election |
1953 [Detail]
21st January | Paul Allen, co-founder of Microsoft Corporation, is born |
2nd July | IBM announces the Model 650 computer |
8th August | Jay Forrester installs magnetic core memory at MIT |
1954 [Detail]
1954 | Jack Tramiel starts Commodore |
20th September | First FORTRAN program runs |
1st October | IBM announces the Model 705 computer |
1955 [Detail]
24th February | Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple, is born |
2nd October | ENIAC is retired |
28th October | Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft Corporation, is born |
1956 [Detail]
28th February | Jay Forrester patents magnetic-core memory |
4th March | Wang sells core memory patent to IBM |
23rd March | The first Ferranti Pegasus goes into service |
4th July | First keyboard used to input data |
13th September | IBM introduces the IBM 350, containing the first hard drive |
1957 [Detail]
26th February | FORTRAN-1 is formally published |
May 1957 | First LEO II installation |
August 1957 | Ferranti Mercury is introduced |
23rd August | DEC is founded |
14th October | The BCS, or British Computer Society, is founded |
1958 [Detail]
12th September | Jack Kilby creates the first integrated circuit |
1959 [Detail]
16th September | The Xerox 914 is the first office copier for sale |
16th October | CDC 1604 is introduced |
7th November | COBOL is introduced |
1960 [Detail]
3rd June | SEGA is founded |
November 1960 | DEC releases the PDP-1, the first mini-computer |
1961 [Detail]
April 1961 | LEO III completed |
25th April | Robert Noyce patents the integrated circuit |
1st July | Computerized spreadsheets first described |
25th July | Clive Sinclair founds Sinclair Radionics |
1st October | Minivac 601 computer launched |
1962 [Detail]
1962 | The first commercial modem is manufactured |
17th November | "Music from Mathematics" LP created using an IBM 7090 computer |
7th December | The Manchester Atlas is inaugurated |
1963 [Detail]
1963 | Theodore H (Ted) Nelson coins the word Hypertext |
17th June | First edition of the ASCII standard is published |
September 1963 | First graphic tablet developed |
1964 [Detail]
1964 | Douglas Engelbart invents the mouse |
7th April | IBM releases the System 360 range of commercial computers |
1st May | First BASIC program runs |
September 1964 | CDC 6600 is introduced |
November 1964 | DEC releases the PDP-7 |
1965 [Detail]
1966 [Detail]
August 1966 | DEC releases the PDP-9 |
1967 [Detail]
1967 | IBM begins development of the floppy disk |
29th March | Texas Instruments invents the pocket calculator |
June 1967 | Elliott Automation merges with English Electric |
27th June | Barclays Bank installs the first cash dispenser |
September 1967 | DEC releases the PDP-10 |
1968 [Detail]
4th June | Robert Dennard and IBM patent DRAM |
18th July | Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore found Intel Corporation |
1st September | Hewlett-Packard introduces the HP-9100 desk calculator |
3rd December | CDC announces the 7600 supercomputer |
21st December | The Apollo Guidance Computer flies to the moon |
1969 [Detail]
1970 [Detail]
1st June | Xerox opens the Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) |
25th August | DEC introduces the PDP-8/E |
October 1970 | Intel release the Intel 1103, a 1kb DRAM chip |
1971 [Detail]
1971 | Ray Tomlinson sends the first email |
17th February | Intel announces the first EPROM |
29th June | IBM CEO Thomas J Watson Jr. retires |
14th October | DEC launches PDP-11/45 Giant Mini |
3rd November | Bell Labs releases the first version of UNIX |
15th November | Intel launches the 4004, the first microprocessor |
1972 [Detail]
1972 | Dennis Ritchie develops the C programming language |
4th January | Hewlett-Packard introduces the HP-35 calculator |
13th March | Intel introduces the 8008 microprocessor |
6th April | Seymour Cray founds Cray Research Inc. |
24th May | The Magnavox Odyssey, the first video game console, is demonstrated |
August 1972 | Clive Sinclair introduces the first pocket calculator |
3rd August | First infra-red data link transmission in the UK |
29th November | Atari introduces Pong |
1973 [Detail]
February 1973 | R2E releases the Micral N |
1st March | Xerox Alto personal computer is developed at Xerox PARC |
22nd May | Bob Metcalfe invents Ethernet |
25th July | UK connects to ARPANET |
19th October | Atanasoff declared official inventor of the computer |
1974 [Detail]
1974 | Gary Kildall creates the CP/M operating system |
12th April | Intel introduces the 8080 microprocessor |
18th December | MITS launches the Altair 8800 on the cover of Popular Electronics magazine |
1975 [Detail]
4th April | Bill Gates and Paul Allen found Microsoft |
1st June | DEC launches PDP-11/03 |
22nd July | MITS licenses Altair BASIC from Bill Gates and Paul Allen |
16th December | IMS releases the IMSAI 8080 |
1976 [Detail]
4th March | Cray Research delivers the first Cray-1A |
1st April | Steve Wozniak, Steve Jobs, and Ronald Wayne found Apple Computer Inc. |
July 1976 | Zilog releases the Z80 microprocessor |
July 1976 | Apple launches the Apple 1 |
11th July | K&E manufacture their last slide rule |
20th September | Shugart Associates introduce the 5 1/4" floppy disk drive |
1977 [Detail]
13th January | Commodore introduces the PET 2001 |
10th June | Apple releases the Apple II |
5th July | Clive Sinclair founded Science of Cambridge Ltd. |
3rd August | Tandy announces the TRS-80 computer |
11th September | Atari launches the VCS/2600 console |
1978 [Detail]
February 1978 | Science of Cambridge releases the MK14 |
11th June | Texas Instruments announces Speak & Spell |
8th August | Pioneer Venus launches the first microprocessor into space |
5th December | Acorn Computers Ltd founded in Cambridge, UK |
1979 [Detail]
1st January | Microsoft moves from Albuquerque, New Mexico to Bellevue, Washington |
March 1979 | Acorn releases the Acorn System 1 |
11th May | VisiCalc publicly demonstrated for the first time |
June 1979 | Apple releases the Apple II+ |
17th October | Personal Software releases VisiCalc, the first spreadsheet |
1980 [Detail]
29th January | Sinclair launches the ZX80 |
March 1980 | Acorn releases the Acorn Atom |
19th May | Apple announces the Apple III |
6th November | Microsoft signs contract with IBM to create MS-DOS |
12th December | Apple floats on the stock market |
1981 [Detail]
5th March | Sinclair launches the ZX81 |
3rd April | Osborne launches the first portable computer, the Osborne 1 |
May 1981 | Commodore releases the VIC-20 in Europe and US |
31st May | Texas Instruments releases the TI99/4A |
25th June | Microsoft officially incorporates to become Microsoft, Inc. |
12th August | IBM announces the IBM 5150, the first IBM PC |
12th September | Wau Holland starts Chaos Computer Club, the first computer hacker group |
1st December | Acorn releases the BBC Micro |
1982 [Detail]
7th January | Commodore introduces the Commodore 64 |
1st February | Intel introduces the 80286 microprocessor |
1st April | Cray sells the first Cray X-MP supercomputer |
23rd April | Sinclair launches the ZX Spectrum |
May 1982 | Japan sets out its 'Fifth Generation' project |
August 1982 | Dragon Data releases the Dragon 32 |
1st September | Tangerine announces the Oric-1 |
1983 [Detail]
19th January | Apple launches the Apple Lisa |
26th January | Lotus releases spreadsheet software Lotus 1-2-3 |
18th February | Paul Allen leaves Microsoft due to ill health |
2nd May | Microsoft introduces the 2-button mouse |
9th May | UK government launches the Alvey Programme |
1st June | Mattel releases the Aquarius |
15th July | Nintendo releases the Famicom in Japan |
10th November | Microsoft announces Windows |
1984 [Detail]
22nd January | Apple launches the Macintosh 128K |
22nd March | IBM introduces the 3480 cartridge tape system |
3rd May | Michael Dell founds the Dell Computer Corporation |
10th May | Hewlett-Packard releases the HP 110 portable laptop |
1st July | Novelist William Gibson invents the term cyberspace |
14th August | IBM introduces the IBM 5170 PC/AT |
10th September | Apple launches the Macintosh 512K |
1st October | Philips releases the VG5000 |
1985 [Detail]
20th February | Olivetti buys 49 percent stake in Acorn Computers Ltd. |
26th April | First ARM processor powered up |
23rd July | Commodore releases the Amiga |
17th September | Steve Jobs leaves Apple to start NeXT |
17th October | Intel introduces the 80386 microprocessor |
20th November | Microsoft releases Windows 1.0 |
1986 [Detail]
14th January | Acorn announces the BBC Master |
16th January | Apple launches the Macintosh Plus |
19th January | Brain, the first PC virus, is released |
26th February | Microsoft moves to Redmond |
13th March | Microsoft stock goes public |
May 1986 | Atari releases the 7800 console |
1st September | Acorn launches the BBC Master Compact |
27th September | Nintendo releases the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) |
1987 [Detail]
8th January | Commodore announces the Amiga A500 & A2000 |
2nd March | Apple launches the Macintosh II |
2nd April | IBM introduces the PS/2 series of computers |
9th December | Microsoft releases Windows 2.0 |
1988 [Detail]
1989 [Detail]
19th January | Apple introduces the Macintosh SE/30 |
April 1989 | Acorn releases RISC OS |
21st April | Nintendo releases the Game Boy |
20th September | Apple releases the Macintosh Portable |
1990 [Detail]
15th February | IBM introduces IBM RS/6000 |
24th April | NASA launches the Hubble Space Telescope |
22nd May | Microsoft releases Windows 3.0 |
June 1990 | Commodore releases the Amiga 3000 |
13th September | Sega launches the Mega Drive console in Europe |
6th October | Sega releases the Game Gear |
1991 [Detail]
8th February | Silicon & Synapse, later Blizzard Entertainment, is founded |
6th August | Tim Berners-Lee publishes the first ever website |
9th August | NASA astronauts send the first e-mail from space |
17th September | Linus Torvalds releases Linux |
21st October | Apple releases the PowerBook 100 |
1992 [Detail]
January 1992 | Commodore releases the the Amiga A500+ |
6th April | Microsoft releases Windows 3.1 |
11th April | Nintendo releases the SNES in the UK |
2nd October | Congress allows commercial networks to connect to the Internet |
1993 [Detail]
19th January | IBM announces record-breaking losses |
22nd March | Intel releases the Pentium chip |
5th April | Nvidia is founded |
16th July | Commodore announces the Amiga CD32 game console |
3rd August | Apple releases the Newton MessagePad |
27th August | Compaq introduces the Presario range of computers |
1994 [Detail]
January 1994 | David Filo and Jerry Yang found Yahoo! |
4th April | Marc Andreessen founds Netscape |
16th April | Acorn releases the Risc PC 600 |
24th May | Silicon & Synapse becomes Blizzard Entertainment |
13th October | Netscape launches Navigator web browser |
22nd November | Sega releases the Saturn console |
3rd December | Sony releases PlayStation in Japan |
1995 [Detail]
22nd May | Nvidia announces NV1 |
23rd May | Sun Microsystems releases Java |
24th August | Microsoft releases Windows 95 |
3rd September | Pierre Omidyar founds eBay |
29th September | Sony launches PlayStation in Europe |
1996 [Detail]
23rd June | Nintendo releases the Nintendo 64 |
20th December | Apple buys NeXT, and Steve Jobs returns |
1997 [Detail]
11th May | IBM's Deep Blue beats Gary Kasparov at chess |
15th May | Jeff Bezos floats Amazon on the stock market |
1998 [Detail]
6th May | Apple announces the iMac |
25th June | Microsoft releases Windows 98 |
4th September | Larry Page and Sergey Brin found Google |
21st October | Nintendo releases the Game Boy Color |
27th November | Sega releases the Dreamcast console |
1999 [Detail]
1st June | Shawn Fanning launches Napster |
11th October | Nvidia releases GeForce 256 |
31st December | The Millennium Bug strikes, but disaster is averted |
2000 [Detail]
17th February | Microsoft launches Windows 2000 |
24th November | Sony releases PlayStation 2 in Europe |
2001 [Detail]
21st March | Nintendo releases the Game Boy Advance |
23rd October | Apple launches the iPod |
25th October | Microsoft releases Windows XP |
15th November | Microsoft releases Xbox |
2nd December | World Computer Literacy Day is launched |
2002 [Detail]
3rd May | Nintendo releases the GameCube in Europe |
7th November | Microsoft and partners launch Tablet PC |
2003 [Detail]
24th April | Microsoft releases Windows Server 2003 |
2004 [Detail]
21st January | Nintendo releases the Nintendo DS |
4th February | Mark Zuckerberg launches "Thefacebook" from Harvard dorm |
1st April | Google launches Gmail |
19th August | Google floats on the stock exchange |
20th October | Canonical releases Ubuntu Linux |
9th November | Mozilla releases Firefox 1.0 |
10th November | Google's index reaches 8 billion pages |
12th December | Sony releases PSP in Japan |
2005 [Detail]
23rd April | First video uploaded to YouTube |
22nd November | Microsoft releases Xbox 360 |
2006 [Detail]
25th June | Microsoft announces Bill Gates transition |
11th November | Sony releases PlayStation 3 in Japan |
18th November | Nintendo releases Wii |
2007 [Detail]
30th January | Microsoft releases Windows Vista |
29th June | Apple introduces the iPhone |
2008 [Detail]
19th February | Blu-ray wins the HD format war |
26th August | Computer virus found on International Space Station |
20th October | HTC releases the first Android smartphone |
2009 [Detail]
22nd October | Microsoft releases Windows 7 |
2010 [Detail]
20th February | Commodore VIC-20 becomes the oldest computer to tweet |
26th May | Apple overtakes Microsoft as world's most valuable technology company |
28th May | Apple releases the iPad in the UK |
2011 [Detail]
26th February | Nintendo releases the Nintendo 3DS |
24th August | Steve Jobs retires as CEO of Apple |
5th October | Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple, dies age 56 |
17th December | Sony releases PS Vita in Japan |
2012 [Detail]
18th January | Wikipedia and others protest anti-piracy law |
25th June | Google Brain recognises cats in YouTube videos |
18th November | Nintendo releases Wii U |
2013 [Detail]
11th January | Aaron Swartz dies |
6th June | Edward Snowden reveals NSA digital surveillance |
15th November | Sony releases PlayStation 4 |
22nd November | Microsoft releases Xbox One |
2014 [Detail]
4th February | Bill Gates returns to Microsoft as Technology Adviser |
20th February | Facebook buys WhatsApp |
25th March | Facebook buys Oculus |
26th April | New Mexico landfill site is excavated for Atari materials |
18th June | Bletchley Park officially opens to the public |
25th June | Google announces Android smartwatches |
25th August | Amazon buys Twitch |
25th October | Queen Elizabeth II opens Information Age gallery at the Science Museum |
2015 [Detail]
21st January | Microsoft announces HoloLens headset |
28th January | Apple posts biggest quarterly profit in history |
9th March | Apple launches Apple Watch |
26th November | Raspberry Pi Foundation launches the Raspberry Pi Zero |
2016 [Detail]
2017 [Detail]
3rd March | Nintendo releases the Nintendo Switch |
2018 [Detail]
3rd January | Google discloses the Spectre and Meltdown vulnerabilities |
15th October | Paul Allen dies aged 65 |
2019 [Detail]
23rd October | Google claims to achieve quantum supremacy |
2020 [Detail]
10th November | Microsoft releases Xbox Series X and Series S |
12th November | Sony releases PlayStation 5 |
2021 [Detail]
16th September | Sir Clive Sinclair dies aged 81 |
2022 [Detail]
30th November | OpenAI launches ChatGPT |
2023 [Detail]
2025 [Detail]