Mission, Vision & Values


The Centre for Computing History is a friendly and accessible museum with a strong focus on learning. Its core purpose is to use, for the benefit of everyone, its collections, displays, learning programmes, and events to explore the social, cultural and historical impact – the lived experience - of developments in computing over the past 80 years.
Future generations will wonder how this massively important and transformative cultural development happened, so while 80 years is short in terms of human evolution, through hands-on and inclusive experiences we explore how these powerful devices became an inextricable part of all our lives and changed our world.


Collecting, preserving and interpreting tangible, and where possible working, artefacts and memories of computing history, particularly (but not exclusively) as it relates to the unique local context of Cambridge and the UK.

Exploring the social, cultural and historical impact of that history with visitors of all kinds. An appreciation of the way the past has shaped the present, especially in terms of technology, has never been more important in understanding the world and providing creative inspiration for the future.

Inspiring, delighting and motivating technical and non-technical audiences alike, by enriching people’s lives through an open and reflective museum environment and learning opportunities for all.


Our key values are that we are relevant, questioning, fun and sustainable.

To keep our collections and programmes relevant to all, and to create an unforgettable visitor experience, we recognise that openness is key. We work in partnership with our many and varied audiences, so that everyone can see themselves reflected in what we display, collect and programme and everyone can experience the technologies we celebrate, while acknowledging their impact - because computing history isn’t over, it’s happening now.

We create layered interpretation appropriate to the needs and learning styles of a wide range of people.

We encourage questions! We debate and reflect on ourselves and our work, and we encourage our visitors and partners to do the same for themselves and with us.

We do not shy away from uncomfortable or challenging stories and recognise that there are always multiple narratives and various points of view.

We believe that people learn best when enjoying themselves by experiencing the technologies of the past and having fun.

We are committed to minimising our impact on the environment while showcasing not just the technologies of the past but also their impact on our world. 

We play our part in conserving natural resources, working to reduce our carbon footprint and waste, protecting the world around us, and preventing pollution wherever we can. 

We are committed to continually improving our own environmental performance. 

We care for over 40,000 objects in two buildings that we recognise are inappropriate for our collection, for what we do and for minimising our environmental impact. We are in the process of developing a 10-year vision to grow our audiences and profile and recognise that a new home may need to be part of our future.


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Founding Sponsors
redgate Google ARM Real VNC Microsoft Research
Heritage Lottery Funded
Heritage Lottery Fund
Accredited Museum