Interactive Laserdisc Software

We have a large collection of Interactive laserdisc software which runs on a BBC Micro with Laserdisc interface.

BBC Domesday System Laserdiscs

Domesday National Disc -  Side 2 - Test Disc
Domesday System - BBC Domesday Discs
Domesday System - BBC Domesday Discs - Signed Copy
Domesday System - Community and National Discs (2)
Domesday System - Countryside Disc
Domesday System - Data Merge
Domesday System - Domesday Display
Domesday System - Ecodisc
Domesday System - Volcanoes Disc

Interactive Video in Schools (IVIS) Laserdiscs

The IVIS Project Put Interactivity Into U.K. Schools Interactive video, the integration of video and computer technologies, was being used in the United Kingdom's Interactive Video in Schools (IVIS) Project to produce a completely new portfolio of resources and learning strategies for use in many areas of the curriculum.

The project focuses on video-disc-based video because the images stored on videodiscs can be used in a variety of ways. The project is funded by the Department of Trade and Industry, which has provided more than $2 million for the initiative. It is administered by the Council for Educational Technology (CET) and is based at the National Interactive Video Centre (NIVC), which provides industry and education with information on and expertise in all aspects of interactive video.

Netherhall School of Cambridge was a major player in producing software for educational laser discs
 IVIS Laserdisc - Siville
IVIS Laserdisc - Challenges
IVIS Laserdisc - Design
IVIS Laserdisc - Design Education IVIS
IVIS Laserdisc - Environmental Studies
IVIS Laserdisc - Geography
IVIS Laserdisc - IVAS
IVIS Laserdisc - IVIS The Convergent Disc
IVIS Laserdisc - Missing The Obvious
IVIS Laserdisc - Motion
IVIS Laserdisc - Radiation
IVIS Laserdisc - The School Disco

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