Intel MDS 80 - Microcomputer Development System

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The Intel MDS 80 system was a computer system primarily used to design other computer systems with MDS standing for Microcomputer Development System.

These could be argued to be the first personal computers and ran the ISIS Operating System.

Many microcomputer makes and models could run some version of the CP/M disk operating system. Eight-bit computers running CP/M 80 were built around an Intel 8080/85, Zilog Z80, or compatible CPU (for CP/M-80). CP/M 86 ran on the Intel 8086 and 8088.

Whilst most modern microprocessor development was on the PC for home use, in the early eighties when many of these systems were developed, the dedicated Microprocessor Development System (MDS) was the dominant development platform on large industrial size projects, they would be used to accompany VAX or PDP11 hosts.

In simple terms, the MDS were 8080-based computers whose purpose was to host the assemblers, compilers and emulators that were used to create new applications.

The Intel Series II and III, a.k.a. the "blue box" were by far the most common, with the 8088-based Series IV being something of a latecomer.


Manufacturer: Intel
Date: 1983

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Intel MDS 80 - Microcomputer Development System Articles:

Item Manufacturer Date
Peter Guest: Reminiscence written by Margaret Guest 2021

Magazines RELATED to Intel MDS 80 - Microcomputer Development System in our Library

Item Manufacturer Date
ULCC News April 1979 Newsletter 121 Apr 1979
ULCC News April 1985 Newsletter 187 Apr 1985

Other Systems Related To Intel MDS 80 - Microcomputer Development System:

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Intellec 8 Intel 1973
Intel SDK 85 - System Design Kit Intel 1976
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Intel Intellec MDS-800 Development System Intel January 1979
Enterprise 64 - Sixty Four British Intelligent Software 1985

This exhibit has a reference ID of CH731. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History.


Intel MDS 80 - Microcomputer Development System

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