Micro Genius IQ-1000

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There are several models of the Micro Genius, but the Micro Genius IQ-1000 was particularly popular until the official introduction of competitors like Sega and Nintendo in the regions where it was sold. This is a more sophisticated version of the IQ-501. The games came in form of 60-pin cartridges, identical to those of the Japanese Famicom, which were inserted from the top into a cartridge port. A standard Micro Genius console package came with two wired controllers (avant-garde for its time) and sometimes a light gun. This model also used an RF antenna to transmit signals wirelessly to a receiver inserted in the TV. Later incarnations came with IR wireless controllers. This example has one of each.

Most versions of Micro Genius are compatible with Famicom cartridges but require a 72-pin to 60-pin adapter to play NES games, although certain models were produced in both 60-pin Famicom and 72-pin NES versions. It was often sold with cartridges containing multiple games.

A series of original Micro Genius games, such as Chinese Chess and Thunder Warrior, was produced in both Famicom and NES format, but pirated copies of Japanese games remained more popular in the countries where the console was sold.

This console also has a 191 in one games cartridge, carrying very unofficial versions of Nintendo classics.

The machine would be known as a Famiclone today, machines that are clones of the Nintendo Famicom.

Manufacturer: Micro Genius
Date: 1991

This exhibit has a reference ID of CH68443. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History.

Micro Genius IQ-1000

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