Home > LEO Computers > Lyons Electronic Office (LEO) Archive > CMLEO/DC - David Caminer Papers > Working Files > Programming > 66502 C70. LEO (Synthesis Orders)

66502 C70. LEO (Synthesis Orders)

 Home > LEO Computers > Lyons Electronic Office (LEO) Archive > CMLEO/DC - David Caminer Papers > Working Files > Programming > 66502 C70. LEO (Synthesis Orders)

Photocopies of instructions for LEO I Synthesis Programme with flowcharts and tables. Includes the following:
- '41. How the Synthesis Orders are used' draft paper;
- Synthesis Orders Parts 1 & 2 flowchart diagram;
- Synthesis Orders Part 1 table;
- Synthesis Orders Part 2 table;
- Synthesis Orders Part 3 table;
- Clear Item Rates (Sections 23-26) with attached memo from D. Caminer;
- 'LEO I Synthesis Orders' notes with instructions by M. Blood; 
- '40. Reading a Programme Tape' draft paper

[Only the first page of this document has been scanned and uploaded to save time for cataloguing. A digital copy of the whole document can be made available upon request.] 

Date : 27th August 1951 to 10th December 1958

Creator : Caminer, David; Blood, Mary

Physical Description : 1 File (46 pages), paper; typescript, flowchart diagrams and tables (photocopies)

Provenance :
From David Caminer's papers.

Archive References : CMLEO/DC/WF/PRG/C70 , DTC/6/9

This exhibit has a reference ID of CH66502. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History.
Article: 66502 C70. LEO (Synthesis Orders)

This document has been scanned and is available to view online.
Lyons copyright
File Size: 1.87 MB

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