Apple IIe

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After having sold more than 750,000 Apple II and II+ systems, making it one of the best-selling brands in the global computing market, Apple released an updated version of the II+, the Apple IIe ('e' standing for enhanced). With a production run of nearly eleven years that spanned from January 1983 to November 1993, the IIe is the company’s longest-lived model to date.  Like its predecessors the IIe was met with great success and was widely used in schools, especially in North America.

The Apple IIe was based around the 6502A CPU, which ran at 1.023MHz. It ran the Apple DOS 3.3 operating system. The computer came with 16K ROM and 64K RAM as standard, which could be doubled to 128K by plugging in Apple's Extended 80-Column Text Card, which also extended the 40-column display to 80 columns.

Most of the success of the Apple IIe is based on the seemingly infinite expandability of the original Apple II and Apple II+.  Although the large amount of peripherals available meant that savvy users could upgrade their II’s to match the functionality of the IIe, the IIe was sold with many of the add-ons as standard.  Some of these upgrades include a full ASCII character set with the ability to input both upper and lowercase letters. Alongside avoiding the need to personally upgrade components, the IIe combined various components into complex single chips.  This not only decreased production costs but also increased reliability.

With all these changes, the IIe boasted high backward compatibility with the vast and continually growing Apple II software library.  Smart decisions like this dot Apple’s production history, and they are undoubtedly contributing factors in the company’s survival through challenges that would have ultimately destroyed many others.  As of 2017, Apple Computers are the only remaining competitor – with an appreciable market share – to Windows machines (then IBM PC Standard).

In the UK the Apple IIe with 64K RAM cost £845 in April 1983.

This example in our collection is complete with Apple Double Disk Drives and has serial number A2S2064p.

Manufacturer: Apple
Date: January 1983

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Apple IIe Manuals:

Item Manufacturer Date
Apple Parallel Printer Interface Card Installation and Operating Manual Apple Unknown
Apple II: Supplement to Owners Manual Apple Unknown
Apple II: Monitor II Users Manual Apple Unknown
Integer Basic Manual Apple Unknown
Apple II: DB Master (Digital Download) ???? Unknown
Apple II: Communications Interface Card Installation and Operating Manual Apple Unknown
Apple Parallel Printer Interface Card Installation and Operating Manual Apple 1978
Apple II: Applesoft Basic Programming Reference Manual Apple 1978
Apple II The Applesoft Tutorial Apple 1979
Apple II: Reference Manual Apple 1979
Apple II: Graphics Tablet Operation & Reference Manual Apple 1979
Apple II: Reference Manual Apple 1979
Apple II: DOS 3.2 Do's & Don'ts of DOS Apple 1979
Apple II: The Applesoft Tutorial Apple 1979
Apple Pascal Operating System Reference Manual Apple 1980
Model 7490A GPIB Interface for Apple II Owners Manual California Computer Systems 1980
Apple II: Apple Fortran Language Reference Manual  Apple 1980
Apple II: Apple Pascal Language Reference Manual Apple 1980
Apple II: Apple Pascal Operating System Reference Manual Apple 1980
Apple II Super Serial Card Apple 1981
Apple III: Pascal - Introduction, Filer, and Editor Apple 1981
Apple II: The DOS Manual (DOS 3.3) Apple 1981
Apple II: Apple Language System Installation and Operation Manual Apple 1981
Apple III: Visicalc III User's Manual Apple 1982
Copy II Plus 4.0 Disk Utility System Apple 1982
Apple IIe: Owner's Manual Apple 1982
Apple II: DOS Programmer's Manual Apple 1982
Accelerator II for Apple II and II Plus Saturn Systems 1983
Apple IIe: Owners Manual Apple 1985
GEOS Graphic Environment Operating System Version 2.0 Berkeley Softworks 1986

Apple IIe Articles:

Item Manufacturer Date
Memories - MZ80B - Fond Memories Unknown
Helen Clark (Helen Jackson): Reminiscence Apr 2021
John Page: My time at LEO 2022

Magazines RELATED to Apple IIe in our Library

Item Manufacturer Date
Call-A.P.P.L.E. Extra - All About Pascal Unknown
Popular Electronics - December 1977 Dec 1977
Practical Computing - July/August 1978 ECC Jul 1978
Personal Computer World - August 1978 Aug 1978
Personal Computer World - September 1978 Sep 1978
Personal Computer World - November 1978 Nov 1978
Practical Computing - December 1978 ECC Dec 1978
Practical Computing - April 1979 ECC Apr 1979
Practical Computing - May 1979 ECC May 1979
Personal Computer World - June 1979 Jun 1979
Practical Computing - October 1979 ECC Oct 1979
Practical Computing - December 1979 IPC Electrical Electronic Press Dec 1979
Call-A.P.P.L.E. - Complete 1980 Set 1980
Personal Computer World - March 1980 Mar 1980
Apple Orchard - Vol 1 Number 1 - March/April 1980 Mar 1980
Personal Computer World - July 1980 Jul 1980
Personal Computer World - August 1980 Aug 1980
Computer Age - September 1980 Computer Age Sep 1980
Micro - The 6502 Journal November 1980 Nov 1980
Apple Orchard - Winter 1980 - 1981 Dec 1980
Personal Computer World - January 1981 Jan 1981
Call-A.P.P.L.E. - January 1981 Jan 1981
Call-A.P.P.L.E. - February 1981 Feb 1981
Computer Age - February 1981 Computer Age Feb 1981
Call-A.P.P.L.E. - March/April 1981 Mar 1981
Call-A.P.P.L.E. - May 1981 May 1981
Call-A.P.P.L.E. - June 1981 Jun 1981
Call-A.P.P.L.E. - July/August 1981 Jun 1981
Personal Computer World - July 1981 Jul 1981
Apple Orchard - Vol 2 Number 2 - Summer 1981 Jul 1981
Call-A.P.P.L.E. - September 1981 Sep 1981
Personal Computer World - October 1981 Oct 1981
Call-A.P.P.L.E. - October 1981 Oct 1981
Call-A.P.P.L.E. - November/December 1981 Nov 1981
Call-A.P.P.L.E. - January 1982 Jan 1982
Windfall January 1982 Windfall Jan 1982
Call-A.P.P.L.E. - February 1982 Feb 1982
Call-A.P.P.L.E. - March 1982 Mar 1982
Windfall March 1982 Windfall Mar 1982
Call-A.P.P.L.E. - April 1982 Apr 1982
Personal Computer World - May 1982 May 1982
Call-A.P.P.L.E. - June 1982 Jun 1982
Call-A.P.P.L.E. - July 1982 Jul 1982
Personal Computer World - July 1982 Jul 1982
Call-A.P.P.L.E. - August 1982 Aug 1982
Personal Computer World - November 1982 Nov 1982
Call-A.P.P.L.E. - February 1983 Feb 1983
Windfall March 1983 Windfall Mar 1983
Personal Computer World - March 1983 Mar 1983
Windfall April 1983 Windfall Apr 1983
Practical Computing - June 1983 Jun 1983
Windfall June 1983 Windfall Jun 1983
Windfall June 1983 Windfall Jun 1983
Call-A.P.P.L.E. - June 1983 Jun 1983
Windfall August 1983 Windfall Aug 1983
Call-A.P.P.L.E. - August 1983 Aug 1983
Windfall October 1983 Windfall Oct 1983
Hard Core December 1983 Hard Core Dec 1983
Call-A.P.P.L.E. - December 1983 Dec 1983
Personal Computer World - January 1984 Jan 1984
Hard Core February 1984 Hard Core Feb 1984
Practical Computing - April 1984 Apr 1984
Hard Core April 1984 Hard Core Apr 1984
Call-A.P.P.L.E. - May 1984 May 1984
Byte May 1984 May 1984
Apple User – May 1984 1 May 1984
Hard Core June 1984 Hard Core Jun 1984
Call-A.P.P.L.E. - June 1984 Jun 1984
Practical Computing - July 1984 Jul 1984
Apple User - July 1984 Jul 1984
Personal Computer World - August 1984 Aug 1984
Call-A.P.P.L.E. - August 1984 Aug 1984
Apple User - August 1984 Aug 1984
Practical Computing - September 1984 Sep 1984
Call-A.P.P.L.E. - December 1984 Dec 1984
Call-A.P.P.L.E. - January 1985 Jan 1985
Apple User - February 1985 Feb 1985
Apple User - March 1985 Mar 1985
Call-A.P.P.L.E. - May 1985 May 1985
Call-A.P.P.L.E. - July 1985 Jul 1985
Orchard Computing Atumn 1985 Aug 1985
Personal Computer World - January 1986 Jan 1986
Call-A.P.P.L.E. - February 1986 Feb 1986
Personal Computer World Special: Business Computing The 1986 Survival Guide Apr 1986
Call-A.P.P.L.E. - June 1986 Jun 1986
Call-A.P.P.L.E. - October 1986 Oct 1986
Personal Computer World - November 1986 Nov 1986
Practical Computing - November 1986 Nov 1986
Call-A.P.P.L.E. - December 1986 Dec 1986
Call-A.P.P.L.E. - January 1987 Jan 1987
Call-A.P.P.L.E. - February 1987 Feb 1987
Call-A.P.P.L.E. - March 1987 Mar 1987
Call-A.P.P.L.E. - April 1987 Apr 1987
Call-A.P.P.L.E. - May 1987 May 1987
Call-A.P.P.L.E. - June 1987 Jun 1987
Call-A.P.P.L.E. - August 1987 Aug 1987
Call-A.P.P.L.E. - September 1987 Sep 1987
Personal Computer World - November 1987 Nov 1987
Personal Computer World - December 1987 Dec 1987
Byte April 1987 9 Sep 2009
Byte January 1985 16 Sep 2009
Byte October 1986 16 Sep 2009

Other Systems Related To Apple IIe:

Item Manufacturer Date
Apple II Apple June 1977
Apple II Europlus Apple 1978
Apple II Plus Apple 1978
Apple III Apple June 1980
Apple Lisa Apple January 1983
Apple IIe Apple January 1983
Apple IIc Apple April 1984
Apple Macintosh 128K Apple September 1984
Apple Macintosh 512k Apple 9th October 1984
Apple Macintosh Plus 1MB Apple 10th January 1986
Apple Macintosh Plus Apple 10th January 1986
Apple II GS for Greengate DS:4 Apple 15th September 1986
Apple II GS Apple 15th September 1986
Apple II GS "Woz" edition Apple 15th September 1986
Apple IIe Platinum Apple January 1987
Apple Macintosh SE Apple March 1987
Apple Macintosh SE/30 (Douglas Adams) Apple March 1987
Apple Macintosh II Apple March 1987
Apple Macintosh SE/30 Apple 1989
Apple Macintosh IIcx Apple 7th March 1989
Apple Macintosh Portable Apple 1st September 1989
Apple Macintosh IIci Apple 20th September 1989
Apple Macintosh IIfx Apple 19th March 1990
Apple Macintosh IIsi Apple 15th October 1990
Apple Macintosh Classic Apple 15th October 1990
Apple Macintosh Performa 400 Apple 1992
Apple Macintosh PowerBook 145 Apple 1992
Apple Macintosh PowerBook 100 Apple Computer 1992
Apple Macintosh Quadra 950 Apple 18th May 1992
Apple Macintosh IIvi Apple September 1992
Apple Macintosh Performa 200 Apple 14th September 1992
Apple Macintosh Powerbook Duo 230 Apple October 1992
Apple Macintosh PowerBook 160 Apple October 1992
Apple Macintosh PowerBook 180 Apple 19th October 1992
Apple Mac LCIII Apple 10th February 1993
Apple Macintosh Centris 610 Apple 10th February 1993
Apple Macintosh Colour Classic Apple 10th February 1993
Apple Macintosh PowerBook 180C Apple June 1993
Apple Macintosh PowerBook 145B Apple July 1993
Apple Macintosh Quadra 650 Apple 21st October 1993
Apple Macintosh LC475 Apple 21st October 1993
Apple Macintosh Performa 450 Apple 4th December 1993
Apple Power Macintosh 7100/66 Apple March 1994
Apple Macintosh PowerBook 520C Apple 16th May 1994
Apple Macintosh PowerBook 540C Apple 16th May 1994
Apple Macintosh Performa 630 Apple 18th July 1994
Apple Macintosh PowerBook 150 Apple 18th July 1994
Apple Power Macintosh 7500/100 Apple 1995
Apple Macintosh PowerBook 1400c Apple 1995
Apple Macintosh Performa 5300 Apple 1995
Apple Macintosh PowerBook 5300cs Apple 1995
Apple Power Macintosh 6100/60 Apple 3rd January 1995
Apple Macintosh Performa 5200CD Apple 3rd April 1995
Apple Power Macintosh 7200/90 Apple August 1995
Apple eMate 300 Prototype designated A2015 Apple 1996
Apple Macintosh Performa 5400/180 Apple February 1996
Apple Macintosh Twentieth Anniversary Edition Apple 1997
Apple Macintosh Powerbook 3400c/200 Apple February 1997
Apple Power Macintosh 5500/225 Apple 17th February 1997
Apple eMate Apple 7th March 1997
Apple iMac G3 DV (Slot Loading) Apple 15th August 1998
Apple iMac G3 (Tray Loading, Strawberry) Apple 15th August 1998
Apple iMac G3 (Slot Loading, Indigo) Apple 15th August 1998
Apple iMac G3 (Slot Loading, Tangerine) Apple 15th August 1998
Apple iMac G3 (Tray Loading, Bondi Blue) Apple 15th August 1998
Apple iMac G3 (Tray Loading, Lime) Apple 15th August 1998
Apple Power Macintosh G3 300 Apple 5th January 1999
Apple Macintosh PowerBook G3 Apple May 1999
Apple Macintosh PowerBook G3/400 Apple May 1999
Apple iBook G3/300 (Orange) Apple 21st July 1999
Apple iBook G3/366 (Grey) Apple 21st July 1999
Apple iBook G3/300 (Green) Apple 21st July 1999
Apple Power Macintosh G4 400 Apple 31st August 1999
Apple iMac G3/350 (Slot Loading - Blueberry) Apple 5th October 1999
Apple iMac G3/DV (Slot Loading - Dalmation) Apple 5th October 1999
Apple iMac G3/DV (Slot Loading - Graphite) Apple 5th October 1999
Apple Power Macintosh G4 Cube (M7886) Apple July 2000
Apple iBook M6497 Apple 2001
Apple iBook Apple 2001
Apple iMac G3 M5521 Indigo Apple 2001
Apple iMac G3/500 Apple 22nd February 2001
Apple iMac G3 DV (Slot Loading Flower Power) Apple August 2001
Apple iMac G4 Apple 2002
Apple iMac G4 17 " Apple 2002
Apple iMac G4 Apple 2002
Apple iMac G4/800 Apple 17th July 2002
Apple Power Macintosh G4 1.42 DP (FW 800) Apple 28th January 2003
Apple Power Macintosh G5 Apple March 2003
Apple Macintosh PowerBook G4 17" Model A1052 Apple 16th September 2003
Apple iBook G4 Apple 22nd October 2003
Apple iMac G5 Apple 31st August 2004
Apple Mac Mini A1103 Apple Computers 22nd January 2005
iPod (5th Gen) Apple 12th August 2005
Apple Macintosh PowerBook G4 Model A1106 Apple October 2005
Apple Mac Mini A1176 Apple Computers 28th February 2006 to 6th September 2006
Apple Macbook Air 13-inch Apple 2011
Apple iPad Mini Apple Inc 2012
Replica Apple 1 Apple 2018

This exhibit has a reference ID of CH6094. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History.


Apple IIe

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