Home > LEO Computers > LEOPEDIA > Media Coverage > Quatermass II (Sound of LEO I) |
Quatermass II (Sound of LEO I)
Home > LEO Computers > LEOPEDIA > Media Coverage > Quatermass II (Sound of LEO I) |
A short piece of the sound of LEO I (1955) can be heard in episode 3 of the BBC Television Series Quatermass II. It starts at 1:12:14 and lasts for just a few seconds so listen carefully! This snippet of sound is mentioned in Peter Bird's book where he describes how the BBC recorded and used a little of the sound from LEO I. Remarkably, the person who spotted it recognised it not only as LEO, but by the pattern of noise established that it was running a program for the Meteorological Office which he was responsible for. It is the sound of the LEO I store (i.e. mercury delay line memory) diagnostic test. Please Note: This item is not in our collection and is included here for signposting purposes only.
This exhibit has a reference ID of CH56533. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History. Copyright
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