Amstrad CPC 464

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The Amstrad CPC was a series of 8-bit home computers produced by Amstrad during the 1980s and early 1990s. CPC stood for 'Colour Personal Computer', although it was possible to purchase a CPC with a green screen (GT65/66) as well as with the standard colour screen (CTM640).

The first machine, the CPC 464 was introduced in 1984. It was designed to be a direct competitor to the Commodore 64 and Sinclair ZX Spectrum systems. The CPC range was very successful, and over 3 million were sold during the machine's lifespan.

Amstrad's were matt black console case's with sharp corners and narrowly rectangular form factor (the latter due to the built-in cassette tape deck (CPC 464) or floppy disk drive (CPC 664 and CPC 6128), the keyboard's distinctly coloured special keys, and the unique power supply hookup with one lead going from the monitor to the computer and, on disc-based machines, one lead going the other way.
Like most home computers at the time, the CPC had its OS and a BASIC interpreter built in as ROM. It used Locomotive BASIC. This was faster, more comfortable and more powerful than the generic but common Microsoft BASIC used by the Commodore 64 and MSX amongst others. It was particularly notable for providing easy access to the machine's video and audio resources in contrast to the arcane POKE commands required on generic Microsoft implementations.
With thanks to for the photographs

Manufacturer: Amstrad
Date: January 1984

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Magazines RELATED to Amstrad CPC 464 in our Library

Item Manufacturer Date
Personal Computer World - May 1984 May 1984
Personal Computing Today - October 1984 1 Sep 1984

Other Systems Related To Amstrad CPC 464:

Item Manufacturer Date
Amstrad CPC 6128 Amstrad Unknown
Amstrad CPC 464 Amstrad 1984
Amstrad CPC 464 PPC MP1 Boxed System Amstrad June 1984
Amstrad CPC 664 Amstrad May 1985
Amstrad PCW 8256 Amstrad September 1985
Amstrad PCW 8512 Amstrad November 1985
Amstrad PC1512 DD Amstrad 1986
Amstrad PC1640 DD Amstrad 1986
Amstrad PC1512 SD Amstrad 1986
Amstrad PC1640 HD20 Amstrad 1986
Sinclair ZX Spectrum +2A Amstrad 1987
Amstrad PCW 9512 Amstrad 1987
Amstrad PCW 9512 Amstrad 1987
Sinclair ZX Spectrum +2A (Portuguese) Amstrad 1987
Amstrad PCW 9512+ Amstrad 1987
Sinclair ZX Spectrum +2A Action Pack Amstrad 1987
Amstrad PC2086 S Amstrad 1988
Amstrad ALT-386SX Laptop Computer Amstrad 1988
Amstrad PPC 640D Amstrad 1988
Amstrad PC2086/30 Amstrad 1988
Spanish Amstrad CPC 464 (Schneider Keys & Cassette Deck) Amstrad 1988
Amstrad PC1640 HD30 Amstrad 1988
Amstrad PPC 512D Amstrad 1988
Sinclair ZX Spectrum +2B Amstrad 1989
Amstrad PC2286/40 Amstrad October 1989
Amstrad CPC 464 Plus Amstrad 1990
Amstrad PCW 9256 Amstrad 1990
Amstrad ALT-286 Laptop Computer Amstrad 1990
Amstrad CPC 6128 Plus Amstrad 1990
Amstrad ACL-386SX120 Laptop Amstrad 1991
Amstrad PC4386SX Computer Amstrad 1991
Amstrad ANB-386SX40 Amstrad September 1991
Amstrad 7286 HD40 Amstrad 1993
Amstrad Mega PC 386SX Amstrad 1993

This exhibit has a reference ID of CH516. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History.


Amstrad CPC 464

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