Home > LEO Computers > LEOPEDIA > Books > A Computer Called LEO |
A Computer Called LEO
Home > LEO Computers > LEOPEDIA > Books > A Computer Called LEO |
The eccentric story of one of the most bizarre marriages in the history of British business: the invention of the world's first office computer and the Lyons Teashop.
"LEO and its creators deserve their place in history not because of what it was, but because of what it did. For LEO was the first computer in the world to be harnessed to the task of running a business." - Georgina Ferry.
Published: 2003.
Please Note: This item is not in our collection and is included here for signposting purposes only.
A paperback edition was published in 2005, by Harper Perennial.
Georgina Ferry Transcripts:
Georgina Ferry has donated the unedited transcripts of the people she interviewed for her book, A Computer called LEO, to the Heritage Project of the LEO Computers Society. The following interviewees are included: Anthony Salmon, Maurice Wilkes, David Wheeler, Murray Laver, David Caminer, John Pinkerton, Ernest Kaye, Ray Shaw, Derek Hemy, Peter Hermon, John Aris, Mary Coombs, Ralph Land, Frank Land (incomplete first half of transcript lost). Publisher : Fourth Estate Author : Georgina Ferry Format : Hardback This exhibit has a reference ID of CH50700. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History. |