- The Hole Truth (We take a trip down the quantum tunnel to Valve HQ to reachquant ourselves with GlaDOS and experience Portal 2)
- The x□△○ Factor (How Sony's PS Camp has revived the spirit of net Yaroze, turning amateur designers into game developers)
- Through the Looking Glass (Nintendo's 3DS is almost here. Time, then, to discover more about the company's vision, and sample its software)
- Digital Underground (Shining a light upon some of the most creative modern videogame companies you've probably never heard of)
- The Making Of... Berzerk (Alan McNeil recalls how innovations in speech synthesis and dreams of robots helped to creates a coin-op legend)
- Sony's Next-Generation Handheld (PSP successor NGP and its promise to bring PS3 power to the palms)
- The Price Of PlayStation Freedom (Investigating the legal realities surrounding the PS3 hacking scene)
- Guitar Heroics (The British artist using Kinect to wield a different kind of videogaming)
- Teller Of Tales (Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi discusses his new RPG, The Last Story)
- Playing With Politics (Charting videogame industry progress at the first Parliamentary Games Day)
- Incoming (Featuring Cannon Fodder 3, Torchlight II and Julius Stiles: The International)
Including Previews of:
- DC Universe Online (PC, PS3)
- FEAR 3 (360, PC, PS3)
- Red Faction: Armageddon (360, PC, PS3)
- Conduit 2 (Wii)
- Dragon Age 2 (360, PC, PS3)
- Shift 2: Unleashed (360, PC, PS3)
- Mortal Kombat (360, PS3)
- Section 8: Prejudice (360, PC, PS3)
- The Last Story (Wii)
- Skulls Of The Shogun (iOS, PC, PS3, WP7)
- Silent Hill: Downpour (360, PS3)
Featuring Reviews of:
- Killzone 3 (PS3)
- Marvel Vs Capcom 3: Fate Of Two Worlds (360, PS3)
- Okamiden (DS)
- MindJack (360, PS3)
- Magicka (PC)
- Breach (360, PC)
- De Blob 2 (360, DS, PS3, Wii)
- Knights Contract (360, PS3)
- Pokemon Black/White (DS)
- Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 (360, PS3)
- Explodemon (PS3)
- Lord Of Arcana (PSP)
- Hard Corps: Uprising (360, PS3)
Publication Date : March 2011
Creator : Future Publishing
This exhibit has a reference ID of CH45720. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History.
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