Commodore Amiga 4000

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The Commodore Amiga 4000, or A4000, is the successor of the A2000 and A3000 computers. There are two models, the A4000/040 released in October 1992 with a Motorola 68040 CPU, and the A4000/030 released in April 1993 with a Motorola 68EC030. Our model is the 4000/040.

This was the first in the Amiga range to use the third generation video chip set or AGA.

The machine is supposedly 3-6 times faster than the Amiga 3000, and comes in two variations with different CPU.

The SCSI interface of the 2000-3000 series was replaced with Parallel ATA. A later model the 4000T was released in a tower configuration rather than the desktop of the original.

The A4000 shipped with AmigaOS 3.0, consisting of Workbench 3.0 and Kickstart 3.0, which together provide a single-user multi-tasking operating system and support for the built-in hardware. Following release of AmigaOS 3.1 it became possible to upgrade the A4000 by installing compatible Kickstart 3.1 ROM chips. The later AmigaOS 3.5 and 3.9 releases were software-only updates requiring Kickstart 3.1.

The sound was the same as the other machines.

Manufacturer: Commodore
Date: October 1992

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Commodore Amiga 4000 Manuals:

Item Manufacturer Date
The Works! Manuals Micro-Systems Software 1986

Catalogues RELATED to Commodore Amiga 4000 in our Library

Item Manufacturer Date
Silica - The Amiga Guide Silica 1 Oct 1994

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This exhibit has a reference ID of CH35646. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History.


Commodore Amiga 4000

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