Hewlett-Packard HP-97 Calculator
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The HP-97 programmable calculator was introduced in 1976. It was introduced as part of a matched set, alongside the HP-67. They were the most powerful calculators HP had produced so far. While the HP-97 was a desktop version which came with a built-in printer, a larger case and battery pack, the two calculators were otherwise functionally the same and programs stored on the magnetic cards they used were able to be used on both models. It featured a program memory of 224 eight-bit words. Programs could include up to 20 labels, 3 levels of subroutines, four flag registers, 8 comparison functions, and extended index and loop control functions. Programs could be saved onto magnetic strip cards for later use. Our HP-97 was kindly donated by Mike Young, and is complete with:
Manufacturer: HP This exhibit has a reference ID of CH35191. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History. |