Prologica CP-500 Microcomputer
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Released in April 1982, the Prologica CP-500 was one of the best-selling Brazilian microcomputers. It was fully software-compatible with the Tandy/Radio Shack TRS-80. The hardware is contained in a single medium sized cabinet and was based on a Zilog Z-80A clocked at 2MHz. 16KB ROM contained a low-level monitor system and BASIC interpreter. The basic model came with 16KB of RAM, expandable to 48KB. A separate 1KB of RAM was used for the video memory. A speaker and real-time clock were available for use by software. The internal bus is made available on the rear of the machine, as well as two RS232 serial ports, a parallel printer port and connections for a tape recorder. The DOS operating system supplied was fully compatible with standard TRS-80 Model III DOS which allowed users to take advantage of the existing software available on the market. Manufacturer: Prologica Comment on This Page This exhibit has a reference ID of CH33911. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History. |