Visual Aids Photography in Education
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ISBN-13: 978-0240507170
This practical manual on the production of educationally sound visual aids is just what the working teacher or instructor needs. It tells with simple step-by-step procedures, how to make the most of whatever equipment a school possesses or intends to acquire. It shows how to organise the students themselves into using cameras creatively. It compares the possibilities and, even more important, the limitations of different types of equipment and the ways they interlink for visual aids production. Assuming that the reader believes in the use of visual aids, but has little experience, the first section of the book introduces all the equipment for making and showing the aids. It describes and inter-relates projectors of all kinds, copiers, enlargers, duplicators and cameras. The second major section deals with the making and using of software. It analyses the teaching task, the preparation of artwork and the copying of all types of originals by every available practical method.
It explains how to photograph educational subjects using still and cine cameras and advises on the all-important final presentation. The last section shows the teacher how to organise his students, whether adults or children, to use photography as easily and universally as a pencil or pen, and without ruinous expense. It relates case histories, suggests layouts for working areas, and the most worthwhile equipment for specific needs. This book will provide an excellent starting point for the student teacher, practising lecturer, instructor, or visual aids technician needing guidance in actually getting down to work. It cuts through a mass of optimistic sales literature and complex technical data. It suggests other specialist sources of information, suppliers and courses. Extensive use of diagrams helps to clarify the many step-by-step procedures
ISBN : 0240507177 Publisher : Focal Press Author : Michael Langford Format : This exhibit has a reference ID of CH3179. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History. |