Commodore 64 Type-In Listings

The following is a list of Commodore 64 Type-In Listings in the Centre for Computing History collection. It is not an exhaustive list of and other software may have been published. If you have any software that you would like to donate to our collection, please view our donations page.

There are 11 Commodore 64 Type-In Listings in our collection :
Order By : Title - Release Date - Publisher
Date: December 1983 16 Defined Function Keys

Program which defines the function keys for a Commodore 64

Publication : Commodore Computing International - December 1983
Date: 1st September 1983 Atomic Grid

Atomic Grid Game listing for the Commodore 64

Publication : Popular Computing Weekly Vol 2 No 35 - 1-7 September 1983
Date: 6th October 1983 Filing System

A program listing for a filing system for the Commodore 64

Publication : Popular Computing Weekly Vol 2 No 40 - 6-12 October 1983 Vol 2 No 40
Author : Gary Foreman
Date: 11st July 1985 Flying the flag - unravelling the mysteries of the status register for the Commodore 64

Whereas the accumulator, the x and y registers are well known to machine code enthusiasts, having addresses at 780, 781 and 782 respectively, the whereabouts of the Status Register is shrouded in mystery.

Publication : Popular Computing Weekly Vol 4 No 28 - 11-17 July 1985
Author : Chris Cattanach
Date: 18th July 1985 Go Forth - Random disc access with Forth users in mind on the Commodore 64

The following article and program details an introduction to the techniques of random access to disc storage.

Publication : Popular Computing Weekly Vol 4 No 29 - 18-24 July 1985
Author : Adrian Warman
Date: 13rd June 1985 Graphic notes for the Commodore 64

Experiment with sound for your games using this utility.

Publication : Popular Computing Weekly Vol 4 No 24 - 13-19 June 1985
Author : Andrew Esmond
Date: 8th September 1983 How to program function keys on Commodore 64

Publication : Popular Computing Weekly Vol 2 No 36 - 8-14 September 1983
Author : Les Allan
Date: 6th June 1985 Lost and found - retrieve those bad loads on the Commodore 64 with this useful routine

When using Basic, typing the word New doesn't actually erase the current text in memory, it just resets some system pointers. It would be nice to have an Old command which would recover this text.

Publication : Popular Computing Weekly Vol 4 No 23 - 6-12 June 1985
Author : Geoff Hato
Date: 20th June 1985 Making the grade - a program to calculate your chess grading for the Commodore 64

As every chess player knows, their grading represents a measure of chess ability, based on past performance. The higher the grading then the greater is the assumed level of skill.

Publication : Popular Computing Weekly Vol 4 No 25 - 20-26 June 1985
Author : Peter Bilbrough
Date: 23rd May 1985 Number Conversion

A program/ routine to convert numbers into words (i.e. 1 to "one")

Publication : Popular Computing Weekly Vol 4 No 21 - 23-30 May 1985
Author : N A Syed
Date: 27th June 1985 Star Game - Caterpillar Race - racing caterpillars on the Commodore 64

This game is for two to five players and the idea is that each player bets on their own caterpillar in the Caterpillar Grand National.

Publication : Popular Computing Weekly Vol 4 No 26 - 27 June-3 July 1985
Author : Tim Hodkinson

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