IBM RS/6000 Model 550L

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The RISC System/6000, or RS/6000 for short, is a family of RISC and UNIX based servers, workstations and supercomputers made by IBM in the 1990s. The RS/6000 family replaced the IBM RT computer platform in February 1990 and was the first computer line to see the use of IBM's POWER and PowerPC based microprocessors. RS/6000 was renamed eServer pSeries in October 2000.

Our unit is an IBM RS/6000 Model 550L using RISC with an IBM AIX operating system.
Machine type: 7013, Machine Model 550L, Machiner ID 77
RAM: 192MB

IBM 3151 ASCII Display Station became available in 1987:

The ASCII Display Station IBM 3151 is a 14-inch diagonal color CRT display (specify green, amber or white screen)
24 lines of 80-132 characters each
Consists of two elements: Display/Logic and Keyboard
Optionally offered emulation of other ASCII display terminals:

Our working model was very kindly donated by Rubicon Computer Systems of Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk who since 1976, have been developing and supplying integrated software and technical solutions to a wide range of industries.

Manufacturer: IBM
Date: 1990

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IBM RS/6000 Model 550L Manuals:

Item Manufacturer Date
IBM RS/6000b 550L Switch On Procedures IBM Unknown

Magazines RELATED to IBM RS/6000 Model 550L in our Library

Item Manufacturer Date
Byte November 1992 Nov 1992

Other Systems Related To IBM RS/6000 Model 550L:

Item Manufacturer Date
IBM System 370 Control Panel IBM 1970
IBM 129 Key Punch IBM 1971
IBM 370/138 IBM 30th June 1976
IBM Displaywriter IBM 1980
IBM 5150 with CGA Monitor IBM 1981
IBM 5161 IBM 1981
IBM 5150 IBM 1st September 1981
IBM 5160 XT IBM 1st January 1983
IBM PC Jr 4860-067 IBM 1st November 1983
IBM 5170 / PC AT IBM 1984
IBM 5155 Portable Computer IBM 1st June 1984
IBM Personal Computer XT Model 286 IBM 1986
IBM 5140 Convertible Computer IBM April 1986
IBM PS/2 Model 50 IBM 1987
IBM PS/2 Model 50 Z IBM 1987
IBM PS/2 Model 30 286 IBM April 1987
IBM PS/2 Model 30 (Dual FD) IBM April 1987
IBM PS/2 Model 30 (FD/HD) IBM April 1987
IBM PS/2 Model 80 (8580-071) IBM 2nd April 1987
IBM PS/2 Model 55 SX IBM October 1987
IBM PS/2 Model 55SX IBM October 1987
IBM PS/1 Machine 2133 Model 114 IBM 1990
IBM Model 8573-121 IBM January 1990
IBM RS/6000 320 IBM 15th February 1990
IBM PS/2 Model 90 (9590) IBM 1991
IBM PS/2 Note IBM 1991
IBM PS/2 Model 95 (8595) IBM 1991
IBM PS/1 Pro - Model 2123 IBM 1992
IBM PS/2 Multimedia Model 75 (M75) 486SLC2 IBM 1992
IBM RISC System/6000 250 IBM 1993
IBM PS/2 E IBM 1993
IBM ThinkPad 2523-710T IBM 1993
IBM Aptiva IBM September 1994
IBM 5494 IBM 25th November 1994 to 21st December 1999
IBM ThinkPad 701CS IBM 1995
IBM ThinkPad 755CEX IBM March 1995
IBM ThinkPad 365XD IBM 1996
IBM RS/6000 SP2 Type 7025 IBM 1996
IBM Personal Computer 730 - P75 IBM 1997
IBM RS/6000 Model 7043 604e IBM 1998
IBM Aptiva 2176 IBM September 1998
IBM 8363 NetVisa Thin Client IBM November 2000
IBM ThinkPad R30 2656 IBM 2001
IBM Thinkpad 2628-STG IBM 2001
IBM ThinkPad T30 IBM 2002
IBM ThinkPad X41 IBM 2005

This exhibit has a reference ID of CH4805. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History.


IBM RS/6000 Model 550L

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