

Acorn Documents
Albert John Haylett Documents
Andrew Bradley Documents
BBC Computer Literacy Project
BBC Microcomputer System
Charles Lindsey Documents
Commodore Documents
Computer-Aided Design for Industry Centre, Cambridge Documents
Creature Labs Documentation
David Jones Paperwork
Denis Ash Collection
Hybrid Computer
Interactive Video Laserdiscs
Living With Technology - A Foundation Course
Lynne Davies Documents
Primal Development Artwork
Richard Gordon Documents
SC84 Microcomputer Documents
Stanford University
University of London Computer Centre Bulletins
 Predicting Waveshapes Using a Computer - Part IV - Transformer Mutual Induction
1950s Transistor Research Papers with Photographs and Author Information
3M The Birth Of The Computer No 1 - 1617
3M The Birth Of The Computer No 2 - 1822
3M The Birth Of The Computer No 3 - 1850
3M The Birth Of The Computer No 4 - 1889
3M The Birth Of The Computer No 5 - 1925
3M The Birth Of The Computer No 6 - 1942
A Computer System for Financial Times
A Letter From The Department Of Aeronautics and Astronautics
A Woman's Guide To The Internet - Part One
A Woman's Guide To The Internet - Part Two
Amaterske Radio - Spectrum Cloning Article
An abstract on the theory and application of a universal archetype computer by Bradley S Tice
Apricot Concurrent CP/M-86 Letter
AST Research Turbovision Promotional Sheet
Atari 520ST Computer System Leaflet
AVDAS - A Microprocessor-Based VLF Signal Acquisition, Processing and Spectral Analysis Facility for Antarctica
BBC Education - LOGO - BBC Television for Schools
BFI Electronics Limited / Cipher Data Products Documentation
Bill for Apricot Computer and Extra Peripherals
BIS Applied Systems - Practical Systems Analysis and Design Course
Bottisham Broadband
Cambridge Interactive TV Trial Documentation
Cambridge University Computer Society - Miscellaneous Documentation
CAP-CPP Project Manager's Reference Card
Client/Server Computing - A definitive guide for information systems executives
Company Confidential computer design documents from the 1960's - UNIVAC
Company Confidential Computer Design Documents from the 1970's - XDS
Company Confidential Computer Design Documents from the 1971 - XDS
Computer Control - A Handbook for Teachers of Computer Studies (Microelectronics Education Programme)
Computers in Higher Education
Controlling Software Projects: Management, Measurement and Estimation
Cossor & Texas Instruments - Miscellaneous Documents
Digital Computer - Usage - Flight Simulator
Documents from Richard Wakefield
Electrical Engineering Teaching Software
Elliott 803 Report for World Airways Guide
Evaluation Of The RCA 1800 Microprocessor Series
Feasibility and Financial Studies of a Port Installation (Conducted on a Ferranti Pegasus I)
Flyer - University of London Institute of Computer Science (c. 1960s/70s)
Hatfield Polytechnic - Computing Problems Booklet
Honeywell Annual Report 1975
Honeywell Sales Workshop
IBM 360 PL/1 Subset Language
IBM Installation Kit 4702 80 MB Hardfile
IBM System/360 Model 92 - Three Papers Presented at AFIPS 1964 FJCC
Information in Action
J Harwell Data Processing - Project Ross
Logos Spacing
Metier Artemis Technical Description
MetierApollo Technical Description & Reports
Micro Brother Is Assisting You
Mini-Computers and their Capabilities - Summary
MPT 1327 A Signalling Standard for Trunked Private Land Mobile Radio Systems
Multiprogramming comes to Lancashire
NCC Basic Certificate in Systems Analysis and Further Documents, c. 1975
Netherhall School Documentation
Network Computing: The Time is Now
NewBrain Various Documents, printouts & programs
Nicholas Eyres' Notes on the Meccano Differential Analyser Model
Oberon Omni-Reader Documentation
On-line teaching programs for numerical methods
Only Yesterday - The Growth of the Computer - No. 1 - Sperry Univac
Powers-Samas & ICT Documentation
Predicting Waveshapes Using a Computer - Part I - The Resistor-Capacitor Circuit
Predicting Waveshapes Using a Computer - Part II - The Capacitor-Resistor Circuit
Predicting Waveshapes Using a Computer - Part III - The Resistor-Inductor Circuit
Predicting Waveshapes Using a Computer - Part V - The Resistor-Inductor-Capacitor Circuit
Predicting Waveshapes Using a Computer - Part VI - The Inductor/Resistor/Capacitor Series Circuit
Predicting Waveshapes Using a Computer - Part VII - The Rectifier Circuit

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