The Hit Squad

Afterburner (The Hit Squad)
Altered Beast (Hit Squad)
Bad Dudes vs Dragon Ninja (Hit Squad)
Bad Dudes VS. Dragonninja (Hit Squad)
Bat Man (Hit Squad)
Batman - The Caped Crusader (Hit Squad)
Batman - The Movie (Hit Squad)
Bubble Bobble (Hit Squad)
Cabal (Hit Squad)
Combat School (Hit Squad)
Crazy Cars (Hit Squad)
Daley Thompson's Decathlon (Hit Squad)
Daley Thompson's Olympic Challenge (The Hit Squad)
Enduro Racer (Hit Squad)
Green Beret (Hit Squad)
Gryzor (Hit Squad)
Hard Drivin' (The Hit Squad)
Head Over Heels (Hit Squad)
International Karate + (The Hit Squad)
Match Day (Hit Squad)
Match Day II (The Hit Squad)
Navy Moves (The Hit Squad)
Platoon (Hit Squad)
Pro Tennis Tour (Hit Squad)
Quartet (Hit Squad)
R-Type (Hit Squad)
Rainbow Islands (Hit Squad)
Rastan (Hit Squad)
Red Heat (The Hit Squad)
Renegade (Hit Squad)
Salamander (Hit Squad)

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