Documents regarding the Lyons Electronic Office

These documents form part of the LEO archive on loan to The Centre for Computing History by The LEO Computers Society, and are currently being digitised. We've made the items which have been scanned so far available here for you to browse by subject.

LEO I Documents

LEO II Documents

LEO III Documents

LEO Archive Documents, 1940s

LEO Archive Documents, 1950s

LEO Archive Documents, 1960s

54626 Preparing for a Computer
56692 How to Make an Appraisal
56693 Computer Appreciation Course for Top Civil Servants
56751 Sales Consultants Course
57854 ICL New Range Organisation correspondence and papers (1969)
58136 ICL New Range memoranda and drafts (1969-76)
58905 Points of interest arising out of our recent discussions with English Electric at Hartree House and Kidsgrove
58906 English Electric Marketing
58908 System 4. A compatible family of micro-integrated computers.
60489 Duke of Edinburgh visit: Lunch menu cover
60776  John Simmons' LEO III Master Plan, Chart 2
60801  Two LEO Payslips
 60851 Report: Flow of Medical Information in Hospitals
60868 Three LEO punch cards
60996  Schematic diagram for Autolector
61005  Autolector Data Report
61007  Autolector Tea Division Order Form
61008  Autolector Tea Division Order Form
61009  Autolector Bakery Van Stock Check Form
62466  LEO Computers Staff and Disabled Staff, 27 Jan 1960
62839 Maintenance Agreement Transfer, 3rd Feb 1960
62840 Appointment of J.S. Garner, Apr-June 1960
62841 South Africa telex, 18th May [1960?]
62842 Importing Anelex Synchro Printer, May 1960-1961
62843 Draft Budget Statement for an Australian Computer Service Bureau, 20th May 1960
62844 Draft Recommended Environmental Conditions for LEO III, 25th May 1960
62846 Rental Quotation for Dunlop, 7th Jul 1960
62847 Change of Registered Address for LEO Computers Ltd, 25th Aug 1960
62848 Legal Opinion on Copyright in Programming Languages, Jan-Feb 1961
62849 Timetable for Consolidated Accounts, 23rd Feb 1961
62850 Reference for Arthur Payman, Feb-Mar 1961
62851 ECMA Technical Committee Report, Oct 1961
62852 Report on Visit to Anelex Corporation, Jul 1961
62853 Accountant Office Move, Oct 1961
62854 Lease of Minerva Road Offices, Oct 1961
62855 Hire of Kimball Calculating Equipment for South Africa, Sep 1961
62856 Chartering a Flight to South Africa, Dec 1961-Feb 1962
62857 Rank Xerox Demonstration, 18th Jan 1962
62858 US Visa request for T.R. Thompson, 9th Feb 1962
62859 Quotation for LEO III, Varimex, Poland
62860 Tenancy agreements for premises in London, 8-19th May 1962
62861 Subvention payments to Lyons subsidiary companies, Apr-Jul 1962
62862 LEO Computers Training, 23rd-27th Apr 1962
62863 Form M.2: Amendment to Authorised Specifications
62864 LEO and the Managers assignment of rights, 5th June 1962
62865 Xerox Copier hire, 13th June 1962
62866 USSR Directory, June-July 1962
62867 IBM Equipment Hire Agreement, July 1962
62868 Bekhor correspondence regarding LEO Computers accounts, July 1962
62869 Telegraph Address for LEO Computers Ltd, August 1962-January 1963
62870 Draft quotation for LEO III, Redinacoes de Milho Brasil, 16th August 1962
62871 J.A. Wetton job application, October 1962
62872 Digitek 100 Optical Reader Specification
62873 Quotation for LEO III, Arnhold & Co Ltd, Hong Kong, 8th November 1962
62874 Appointment of C.W.L. Wright, 9th November 1962
62875 Customs Duty on First Anelex Printer, 23rd November 1962
62876 Additions to Marketing Progress Report, September 1962
62898 Lenaerts: Articles About LEO 1951-65, 5th Jan 1966
62900 Lenaerts: Samastronic Printer and the Lenaerts Character
63047 'With LEO now ten years old'
63048 List of Principal Secretaries who attended a Data Processing Lecture on 6th Dec 1963
63177 How To Make An Appraisal (manuscript draft)
63178 How To Make An Appraisal (typescript draft)
63179 How To Make An Appraisal (fair copy)
63182 Shell-Mex, 21st Oct 1960 (typescript draft)
63183 Meeting Shell-Mex Needs (manuscript draft)
63184 Diary note on Shell-Mex visit (draft and fair copy)
63186 Outline Specification for LEO Simple Code (LEO III)
63187 What A Computer Can Do
63188 Some Possible Uses of LEO
63189 Marketing
63190 Procurement [?] of a Successful Application
63191 'In the next three quarters of an hour..'
63192 The Case for the Computer
63193 After Sales Service
63194 Parts Stores Job
63195 Costing and Production Control
63196 'Purpose and Scope'
63197 [Untitled notes]
63994  Correspondence regarding visits, May-June 1961
63995  Interior Design Consultation correspondence, May-June 1961
63996  Lectures to Outside Institutions, Sep 1961-Mar 1962
63997 Mechanisation and Automation
63998  Eagle Star draft
63999  EDP for the Small Concern
64000  How To Make An Appraisal - almost final draft
64072 Talking to The Computer - Article in New Scientist, Dec 1960
64206 Insurance for Cerebos installation, 20th February 1963
64207 Tote Investors Authorised Specification, 1st April 1963
64208 Xeronic printer correspondence
64209 Legal Companies Act forms for LEO Computers Ltd, March 1963
64211 Mercantile Credit Company installation, 1964
64212 EEC merger papers, part 1 (February-March 1963)
64279 EEC merger papers, part 2 (April-August 1963)
64321 EEC merger papers, part 3 (September 1963-February 1964)
64322 EELM papers, part 1 (July to August 1964)
64395 EELM papers, part 2 (September 1964 to January 1965)
64396 LEO Management Meeting, 1960 first quarter (Jan-Mar 1960)
64397 LEO Management Meeting, 1960 second quarter (Apr-June 1960)
64398 LEO Management Meeting, 1960 third quarter (Jul-Sep 1960)
63499 LEO Management Meeting, 1960 fourth quarter (Oct-Dec 1960)
64404 LEO Management Meeting, 1961 first quarter (Jan-Mar 1961)
64405 LEO Management Meeting, 1961 second quarter (Apr-June1961)
64406 LEO Management Meeting, 1961 third quarter (Jul-Sep 1961)
64410 LEO Management Meeting, 1961 fourth quarter (Oct-Dec 1961)
64485 Marketing Progress Report, 29th Jan 1960
64486 Marketing Progress Report, 26th Feb 1960
64487 Marketing Progress Report, 6th May 1960
64488 Marketing Progress Report, 3rd June 1960
64489 Marketing Progress Report, 22nd Jul 1960
64490 Marketing Progress Report, 2nd Sep 1960
64491 Marketing Progress Report, 23rd Sep 1960
64492 Marketing Progress Report, 28th Oct 1960
64493 Marketing Progress Report, 25th Nov 1960
64494 Marketing Progress Report, 24th Dec 1960
64495 Abbreviated Marketing Progress Report, 27th Jan 1961
64496 Marketing Progress Report, 10th Feb 1961
64497 Marketing Progress Report, 10th Mar 1961
64498 Marketing Progress Report, 14th Apr 1961
64499 Marketing Progress Report, 12th May 1961
64500 Marketing Progress Report, 9th June 1961
64501 Marketing Progress Report, 21st June 1961
64502 Marketing Progress Report, 21st Jul 1961
64541 LEO Management Meeting, 1962 first quarter (Jan-Mar 1962)
64545 LEO Management Meeting, 1962 second quarter (Apr-June 1962)
64722 LEO Management Meeting, 1962 third quarter (Jul-Sep 1962)
64723 LEO Management Meeting, 1962 fourth quarter (Oct-Dec 1962)
64724 LEO Management Meeting, 1963 first quarter (Jan-Mar 1963)
67320 Northampton Polytechnic: Courses, Syllabus
68233 David Caminer's Official Company Biography Form
68234 A. Headley Biography
68235 Press Office caption for Lenaerts' 40th
69945 Research Report Minutes, 23rd Jan 1962 - 11th Apr 1963
ICL Day File, Jul - Dec 1969
L6 Ice Cream Journey Planning: Applications
70502 Draft Shell-Mex Meeting Minutes

LEO Archive Documents, 1970s

57855 ICL New Range Organisation Marketing Plan Volume 3 Section 4, Customers and Their Applications in the 70s (c1978-79)
58134 ICL Business Plan: Report to New Range Working Party (1971)
58136 ICL New Range memoranda and drafts (1969-76)
58138 ICL Pocket Guide to System B (1973)
58139 Science Museum timeline - History of the Computer Industry (1974)
58171 Contract between Cap Sogeti Systems and ICL Belgium (Dec 1976)
58172 Contract between ICL Belgium, France Communication (FC) and Methodes et Techniques de l'Informatique Europe S.A. (MTI) - Jan 1977
58200 EEC Project Information Package - Moving to Luxembourg (Feb 1977)
58201 EEC Luxembourg ICL 2980 System Pre-Delivery Demonstration Proposal (Apr-May 1977)
58510 Conversion des Applications CCE (11 May 1977)
58512 L. Cohen
58514 EEC Project Weekend - Event Planning File (May-June 1977)
58515 Campbell-Kelly, Early Programming Activity at the University of Cambridge (Mar 1978)
58909 Estimation Preliminaire pour une Premiere Tranche des Travaux de Conversion  (1 May-31 Oct 1977)
58910 A European Success Story
59139 ICL Technical Journal, Vol 1 Issue 2, May 1979
59152 Slides for a Presentation on the 2980
62899 Lenaerts: Revolution by Numbers, Chap 4. Hardware (draft), 30th Jul 1971
64073 Improvements to Computer Efficiency by Attention to Human Factors, c1970-71

Lectures and talks on LEO

LEO Committee Minutes

54578 LEO Policy Meeting, 27/2/1959
54579 LEO Policy Meeting, 6/3/1959
54580 LEO Policy Meeting, 13/3/1959
54584 LEO Policy Meeting, 20/3/1959
54585 LEO Policy Meeting, 3/4/1959
54586 LEO Policy Meeting, 10/4/1959
54587 LEO Policy Meeting, 24/4/1959
54589 LEO Policy Meeting, 1/5/1959
54590 LEO Policy Meeting, 15/5/1959
54591 LEO Policy Meeting, 22/5/1959
54592 LEO Policy Meeting, 29/5/1959
54593 LEO Policy Meeting, 5/6/1959
54594 LEO Management Meeting, 19/6/1959
54921 LEO Management Meeting, 26/6/1959
54922 LEO Management Meeting, 3/7/1959
54923 LEO Management Meeting, 10/7/1959
54924 LEO Management Meeting, 17/7/1959
54925 LEO Management Meeting, 7/8/1959
56040 LEO Management Meeting, 21/8/1959
56041 LEO Management Meeting, 28/8/1959
56042 LEO Management Meeting, 4/9/1959
56043 LEO Management Meeting,11/9/1959
56044 LEO Management Meeting,18/9/1959
56045 LEO Management Meeting,29/9/1959
56046 LEO Management Meeting, 2/10/1959
56047 LEO Management Meeting, 9/10/1959
56048 LEO Management Meeting, 19/10/1959
56049 LEO Management Meeting, 23/10/1959
56050 LEO Management Meeting, 13/11/1959
56051 LEO Management Meeting, 20/11/1959
56052 LEO Management Meeting, 27/11/1959
56053 LEO Management Meeting, 4/12/1959
56054 LEO Management Meeting, 11/12/1959
56055 LEO Management Meeting, 21/12/1959
62876 Additions to Marketing Progress Report, September 1962
64396 LEO Management Meeting, 1960 first quarter (Jan-Mar 1960)
64397 LEO Management Meeting, 1960 second quarter (Apr-June 1960)
64398 LEO Management Meeting, 1960 third quarter (Jul-Sep 1960)
63499 LEO Management Meeting, 1960 fourth quarter (Oct-Dec 1960)
64404 LEO Management Meeting, 1961 first quarter (Jan-Mar 1961)
64405 LEO Management Meeting, 1961 second quarter (Apr-June1961)
64406 LEO Management Meeting, 1961 third quarter (Jul-Sep 1961)
64410 LEO Management Meeting, 1961 fourth quarter (Oct-Dec 1961)
64464 Abbreviated Consultancy and Marketing Progress Report, 6th Nov 1958
64465 Consultancy and Marketing Progress Minutes and Full Report, 21st Nov 1958
64466 Abbreviated Consultancy and Marketing Progress Report and Minutes, 5th Dec 1958
64467 Consultancy and Marketing Progress Minutes and Full Report, 19th Dec 1958
64468 Abbreviated Consultancy and Marketing Progress Report and Minutes, 9th Jan 1959
64469 Consultancy and Marketing Progress Minutes and Full Report, 23rd Jan1959
64470 Abbreviated Consultancy and Marketing Progress Report, 6th Feb 1959
64471 Consultancy and Marketing Progress Minutes and Full Report, 20th Feb 1959
64472 Abbreviated Consultancy and Marketing Progress Report and Minutes, 5th Mar 1959
64473 Consultancy and Marketing Progress Minutes and Full Report, 20th Mar 1959
64474 Abbreviated Consultancy and Marketing Progress Report and Minutes, 10th Apr 1959
64475 Consultancy and Marketing Progress Minutes and Full Report, 1st May 1959
64476 Abbreviated Consultancy and Marketing Progress Report and Minutes, 15th May 1959
64477 Consultancy and Marketing Progress Minutes and Full Report, 28th May 1959
64478 Consultancy and Marketing Progress Report, 26th June 1959
64479 Consultancy and Marketing Progress Report, 17th Jul 1959
64480 Consultancy and Marketing Progress Report, 18th Aug 1959
64481 Consultancy and Marketing Progress Report, 11th Sep 1959
64482 Consultancy and Marketing Progress Report, 23rd October 1959
64483 Marketing Progress Report, 20th Nov 1959
64484 Marketing Progress Report, 18th Dec 1959
64485 Marketing Progress Report, 29th Jan 1960
64486 Marketing Progress Report, 26th Feb 1960
64487 Marketing Progress Report, 6th May 1960
64488 Marketing Progress Report, 3rd June 1960
64489 Marketing Progress Report, 22nd Jul 1960
64490 Marketing Progress Report, 2nd Sep 1960
64491 Marketing Progress Report, 23rd Sep 1960
64492 Marketing Progress Report, 28th Oct 1960
64493 Marketing Progress Report, 25th Nov 1960
64494 Marketing Progress Report, 24th Dec 1960
64495 Abbreviated Marketing Progress Report, 27th Jan 1961
64496 Marketing Progress Report, 10th Feb 1961
64497 Marketing Progress Report, 10th Mar 1961
64498 Marketing Progress Report, 14th Apr 1961
64499 Marketing Progress Report, 12th May 1961
64500 Marketing Progress Report, 9th June 1961
64501 Marketing Progress Report, 21st June 1961
64502 Marketing Progress Report, 21st Jul 1961
64541 LEO Management Meeting, 1962 first quarter (Jan-Mar 1962)
64545 LEO Management Meeting, 1962 second quarter (Apr-June 1962)
64722 LEO Management Meeting, 1962 third quarter (Jul-Sep 1962)
64723 LEO Management Meeting, 1962 fourth quarter (Oct-Dec 1962)
64724 LEO Management Meeting, 1963 first quarter (Jan-Mar 1963)
69940 Sales Report Minutes, 25th Nov 1957 - 10th Oct 1958
69945 Research Report Minutes, 23rd Jan 1962 - 11th Apr 1963

Reports of Research Site Visits by LEO Project Team

Documents relating to Special Events

LEO Diagrams, Programming and Flowcharts

Forms etc generated by LEO

Documents relating to Recruitment of Staff for the LEO project

CLEO Documents

EDSAC Documents

Documents relating to other computing (non-LEO systems)

LEO People: John Simmons

LEO People: John Pinkerton

LEO People: David Caminer

LEO People: Ernest Lenaerts

LEO People: T.R. Thompson

All LEO Archive Documents 








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