Home > LEO Computers > Lyons Electronic Office (LEO) Archive > CMLEO/LS - LEO Comput ... s Society Collection > Photographs > Photographs of LEO III



Description: Photographs of LEO III collected by members of the LEO Computers Society and donated to the Society's archive.

Archive Reference: CMLEO/LS/PH/3


54366 John Pinkerton with early LEO III
61197  LEO III/6 [?] Operator's Console
61198  LEO III/6 tape decks
61199  LEO III/6 Console
61200 LEO III/6 Operator at Console
61201  LEO III/6 Team at a training session[?]
61202  LEO III/6 Operators
61203 LEO III/6 at SMBP Hemel Hempstead
67410 Computer room tape deck area
67411 Hollerith Tabulator
67412 LEO III/34 Operator examining a tape reader
67413 LEO III/34 Tape reader
67414 LEO III/34 Operator at card punch machine
67415 LEO III/34 MT120 Magnetic tape handler
67416 LEO III/34 Operator loading printer
67417 LEO III/34 Operator loading tape reader
67418 LEO III/34 Anelex printer
67419 LEO III/34 Operator at control panel
67420 LEO III/26 Operator adjusting tape deck
67421 LEO III/34 Operator loading punch cards
67422 LEO III Operator using a tape reader
67423 LEO III Operator adjusting an instrument panel
67424 LEO III/90 Computer room
67425 LEO III/90 Operator at console
67426 LEO III/90 Operator at console (different angle)
67427 LEO III/34 Operators at Uptime card reader
67428 LEO III/34 Uptime card reader control panel
67429 LEO III/34 Uptime card reader
67430 LEO III/34 Operators at Uptime card reader (different angle)
67431 LEO III/34 Console
67432 LEO III/34 Console (wide shot)
67637 Charles House contact sheet
67666 LEO III Tape deck
67667 LEO III Control desk
67668 LEO III Tape decks and reels
67669 LEO III Printer and instrument panels
67670 LEO III Racks
67671 LEO III Computer room and workers
67672 Elliott Tape reader
67673 LEO III Computer room and tape decks
67674 LEO III Printer
67675 LEO III Instrument panel
67680 LEO III/2 at Minerva Road
67681 LEO III/17 at Manchester Town Hall (1/3)
67682 LEO III/17 at Manchester Town Hall (2/3)
67683 LEO III/17 at Manchester Town Hall (3/3)
67796 LEO III/27 (326) at Freemans Ltd
67799 LEO III/27 (326) at Freemans Ltd (night shift)
67812 LEO III/1 Engineer's control panel
67813 LEO III/39 Assembler Unit
67814 LEO III/1 Printer Control Loops
67815 LEO III/39 Circuit Board
67816 LEO III/18 Paper Taper Reader (1,000 chs/sec)
67817 LEO III/39 Ever Ready Co.
67818 LEO III/18 AMPEX Magnetic Tape Unit
67819 LEO III/39 Operator's Console
67821 LEO III/3F Computer Room
67822 Autolector
67823 Mechanism
67824 Back of LEO Cabinets
67825 TM4 Tape Decks
67826 LEO Control Desk
67828 LEO III/2 at Minerva Road
67829 LEO III/93 at Minerva Road
67830 LEO III/19 at Lytham St Annes (1/2)
67831 LEO III/19 at Lytham St Annes (2/2)
68418 LEO III at Lyons, Cadby Hall
68419 LEO III Stand at the Institute of Office Management Conference
68423 LEO III ICT Document Reader
68424 LEO III Racks
68433 LEO III Operator's Control Console
68434 LEO III Ampex TM4 Magnetic Tape Units

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