Home > LEO Computers > Lyons Electronic Office (LEO) Archive > CMLEO/PB - Peter Bird Collection > CMLEO/PB/PH Photographs > Photographs of LEO I

Photographs of LEO I


Description: Photographs of LEO I collected by Peter Bird from a variety of sources, in preparation for his book LEO The First Business Computer (1994) , in which some of the images were published (plate numbers given in the catalogue entry where possible).

Archive Reference: CMLEO/PB/PH/1


51855 Build Room, WX Block, Cadby Hall
60761 Gordon Gibbs and Ray Shaw looking at a LEO I circuit diagram
55715 LEO I Demonstration, Cadby Hall
60491 Ernest Lenaerts, Ray Shaw and Ernest Kaye set up for the LEO I Demonstration
60492 Accumulator Store, LEO I Demonstration
60541 Central aisle,  LEO I Demonstration
60496 LEO I Power Supply During Construction
60495 Ernest Lenaerts looking at a LEO I teleprinter
60542 LEO I Build Team
54266 LEO I Reliability Test
60473 Derek Hemy, Ernest Lenaerts, Gordon Gibbs and Leo Fantl with LEO I
60733 Control Desks, LEO I
53084 Ray Shaw and Leo Fantl with LEO I
55804 Ray Shaw, David Caminer and Gordon Gibbs with LEO I
60493 LEO I Mercury Delay Line, in 'coffin'
52017 LEO I racks with covers removed
60731 General View of LEO I during the night shift
60739 Control Console, LEO I
60757 Wally Dutton working on LEO I
60539 STC Tape Decks on LEO I
60540 Swinging Gate Construction, STC equipment
60474 STC Reconverter and Power Supplies
60476 LEO I view to Data Preparation area
60888  General view of LEO I
52941 LEO I Room Reconstruction
60497 Hollerith Punched Card Reader
60735 STC Equipment, LEO I
60736 STC Decimal Converter, LEO I
60498 LEO I Public/Press Demonstration
54427 LEO I rack
60737 John Pinkerton at the engineer's console of LEO I
60775 General view of LEO I to Control Console
61307  LEO I Power Distribution
61308  General view of LEO I
60734 Experimental Delay Tube
60475 Hollerith Hand Card Punch
60477 LEO I Gremlin

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