JRR Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings
Jungle Strike
Jurassic Pack Special
KA-50 Hokum
Key ClipMasterPro
Kick Off 2
Kid's Klassroom
Kingmaker, The Quest for the Crown
King's Quest 6
King's Quest III - To Heir is Human
King's Quest V
King's Quest VII
Knights of Legend
Lattice  C Compiler 3.00
LBMS Systems Engineer - Single User
LBMS Systems Engineer - Workstation
Leather Goddesses of Phobos
Legend of Kyrandia, Book One: Fables & Fiends - CD only
Legend of Kyrandia, Book One: Fables & Fiends - Hit Squad (boxed)
Leisure Suit Larry Collectors Edition
Lemmings 2
Lemmings Demo Disk
Les Manley in Lost in L.A.
Les Manley in Search for the King
Lie Detector
Life & Death II - The Brain
LinguaMatch German
Links - The Challenge of Golf (Kixx)
Links 386
Little Big Adventure (Classics)
Lombard RAC Rally
Lotus 1-2-3
Lotus 1-2-3  (UK Version 2.01)
Lotus 1-2-3 (Amstrad PC Version)
Lotus 1-2-3 2.3 for DOS
Lotus 1-2-3 3.1 for DOS or Win 3.0
Lotus 1-2-3 Release 2.2 Node Edition
Lotus 123
Lotus Freelance Plus
Lotus Smart Suite
Lotus Symphony
Machiavelli The Prince
MAGic (MAGnification in colour)
Magic Carpet Plus (EA Classics)
Mahjongg VGA
Malice 23rd Century Ultraconversion For Quake
Man Hunter 2: San Francisco
Mario Andretti's Racing Challenge
Master Levels for Doom II
Master of Magic
Master of Orion II Battle of Antares
Maths - Number
Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing
Mechanised Assault & Exploration
Mechwarrior 2
Micro Expert Systems Starter Pack
Micro Machines 2: Turbo Tournament
Microsoft Basic Compiler
Microsoft Cobol Compiler
Microsoft Flight Simulator New Version (3.5" Floppy)
Microsoft Flight Simulator New Version (5.25" Floppy)
Microsoft Flight Simulator Ver.5.1

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Founding Sponsors
redgate Google ARM Real VNC Microsoft Research
Heritage Lottery Funded
Heritage Lottery Fund
Accredited Museum