Computer History

 Rambles through Binland and Electronia
Analogue Computation - The Forgotten Technology
CBM Professional Computer Guide
Cincinnati Milacron 1884-1984 Finding Better Ways
Computer Circet Projects You Can Build
Crash - Learning from the World's Worst Computer Disasters
Decline & Fall of the American Programmer
Electronic Dreams: How 1980s Britain Learned to Love the Computer
From Ram Yard to Milton Hilton: Cambridge Consultants the early years
Glossary of terms in computers and data processing
Just for Fun: The Story of an Accidental Revolutionary
Overdrive: Bill Gates and the Race to Control Cyberspace
PET/CBM Personal Computer Guide
Rebel Code
The Cambridge Phenomenon
The Computer: An Illustrated History
The Mighty Micro (1980 Edition)
The Soul of A New Machine
The Telecommuters
Visible Record Computers
West of Eden: The End of Innocence at Apple Computer

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Founding Sponsors
redgate Google ARM Real VNC Microsoft Research
Heritage Lottery Funded
Heritage Lottery Fund
Accredited Museum