Apple II Clones


Apple introduced the Apple II at the West Coast Computer Faire in 1977. After VisiCalc was released, Apple II sales skyrocketed in the late 1970s and into the early 1980s.

Others began to see the potential of the Apple market. Many other computer manufacturers from both the United States and abroad attempted to jump onto the Apple bandwagon and also become huge successes.

Apple chose not to license the Apple II software, hardware, or case design, but it was cloned unofficially about 200 times by various manufacturers around the world. Many of the clones look alike, based upon the original Apple II. (Strangely enough, some of the clones resemble the IBM PC more than the Apple II.)


A-1 101 Apple II Clone - Apple II Clone
Epcot Electronics - Apple II Clone
Guan Haur KHP-4006A - Apple II Clone
ITT 2020 Computer - Apple II Clone
Linotype-Paul - APL 100/200 - Apple II Clone
Mitac LIC-2001A Little Intelligent Computer - Apple II Clone

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