Please Share Your Memories

The call has gone out for anyone who remembers the early days of computing to participate in two special Drop-in Memory Days. The first of these will be held on Sunday 24th January and the second on Sunday 28th February.

The Centre’s Viva Computer! A People's History of Home Computing project, which has been part funded by the Heritage Lottery, is set to create a compelling history of home computing in the Cambridge area over the last 50 years, which will be shared through a digital archive and a month long festival this summer.

The over-arching aim of the project is to help people capture the ‘magic’, to engage with the industry’s heritage and history of innovation, and come to a better understanding of the most important cultural development of the last 100 years.

Jason Fitzpatrick, Curator at the Centre for Computing History said: “Cambridge is universally recognised as a home to global advances in technology but there has been no systematic attempt to preserve this rich heritage. Viva Computer! will redress that need.

“We are now looking for local people with local stories. We would like to hear about how they may have contributed to the development and use of computing as we know it today and how computers have changed their lives.

“With these Sunday session we’re particularly interested in the 80s. So if you have memories of the home computing boom in that era, which will help us gain an insight into the culture and spirit of the time, please don’t let your story go untold!”

To register your interest / participate in either of these free events, please email:


We are still looking for people interested in contributing their time, experience and passion to help make Viva Computer a real success through creating this exciting and inspirational new Cambridge archive. Volunteering roles include – filming, editing, research, educational delivery, event management, design, photography, transcription, cataloguing, archiving and more…


For further information please contact:

Elaine Symonds
Centre for Computing History 


Date : 22-01-2016

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Heritage Lottery Funded
Heritage Lottery Fund
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