First Edition (May 1989) This document replaces an earlier document called Automated Operations Planning Guide (SC30-3474-0). Any reference to an IBM licensed program in this document is not intended to state or imply that only IBM's
This document Is for data processing managers and their technical staffs who are Interested In automating their computer center console operations for both systems and network management. It describes various approaches to automation as well as the environments In which they can be used. These approaches accommodate a selection of IBM licensed programs, program offerings, operating systems, and hardware Including: NetVlew™ Release 2 for MVS/370 (program number 5665-361) NetVlew releases 2 and 3 for MVS/XAtm (program number 5665-362)i NetVlew releases 2 and 3 for MVS/ESAtm (program number 5665-362) NetVlew releases 2 and 3 for VM (program number 5664-204) NetVlew Release 2 for VSE (program number 5666-343) Inter-System Control Facility (ISCF) (program number 5601-RXC) Inter-System Control Faclllty/PC (ISCF/PC) (product number 6476174) 3090TM Automated Console Application for ISCF (3090/ACA/ISCF) (program number 5685-109) and the following IBM processor units: 308X, 3090, 4341, 4381, and 9370.
This book assumes you have a working knowledge of system and network concepts, as well as a familiarity with your operator procedures and Installation con figuration. Key system and network concepts as they are used In this book Include: • A system Is the hardware and the software elements of a computer unit that are used to store, move, and process data. • The hardware elements of a system are a System/370''"'-based processor with all peripheral devices attached and addressed using the channel/control unit standard Interface. r', • The software elements of a system are: - System control program such as MVS, VM, or VSE, which provide basic system functions - Subsystems, which provide more specialized system functions - Long term applications, which provide support for various processing envi ronments - Short term applications, which run In a batch environment. • A domain Is a convenient way to refer to a system from a network point of view. A
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Reference Number : SC31-6058-0
Date Published : May 1989
Manufacturer : IBM
Format : PDF (151 pages)
This exhibit has a reference ID of CH9657. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History.

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