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Microtek International Development Systems Division is the synthesis of two high-technology companies, Microtek International and Microcosm, Inc.

Microtek was a pioneer in the field of microprocessor development systems. The first product, Micro-In-Circuit-Emulator (MICE), introduced in 1981, received Electronic Products magazine's Product of the Year award.

Microcosm was founded in 1982, and shipped the industry's first PC-based in-circuit emulator (ICE) for the 8086, 8088, 80186 and 80188 microprocessors in 1983. Microcosm was chosen for the EE Product News 1985 Selected Advanced Technology award, and their 386 emulator won ECN Magazine's 1988 Product Award for Innovative Engineering Design.

The two companies merged to become Microtek International Development Systems Division in June 1990. Design, production and support resources are focused on Intel and Motorola high-performance microprocessors such as the 80386EX, 80486, Pentium, Pentium II, Pentium III, 683xx and 68HC16.

Hardware Products

MICE-16 Emulator

MICE-16 Emulator
Our Microtek MICE-16 (Micro-In-Circuit-Emulator) isModel No: MICE-16 8086FSerial No: 901A500028 The first product, Micro-In-Circuit-Emulator (MICE), introduced in 1981, received Electronic Products magazine's Product of the Year award.

Manufacturer : Microtek
Type : Peripheral

Magazine Articles About Microtek





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