
 Home > Browse Our Collection > Software > Sinclair QL > Easel

Excerpt from the manual:

"Easel is a business graphics package with a difference. It is fully interactive, which means that you see
the results of everything you do immediately. From the moment you start you can just type in a series of
numbers and see them displayed as a graph, as you type them in. You never need to worry about
building up tables of values; EASEL takes care of that kind of thing for you, and keeps them where they
should be - out of sight."

Platform : Sinclair QL
Format : Microdrive Cartridge
Publisher : Psion Limited
Authors : Dick de Grandis-Harrison
Date : 1984
Product Code :

Other Software by Psion Limited:

Item Manufacturer Platform Format Date
Easel Psion Limited Sinclair QL Microdrive Cartridge 1984

Information About Psion Limited:




This exhibit has a reference ID of CH72818. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History.
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