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QCA ICT objectives5b, 5c

This disc contains a complete video programme, based in the seemingly quiet village of Berkswell. Three friends find themselves at the centre of a mystery which they attempt to solve using technology. Activities on the disc allow the user to help the friends find the answer to the mystery. These include: plotting sightings of an unidentified white shape on a map using a database; investigating a database of cencus records for clues and thinking up alternative endings to the story. Extra features include: A virtual reality tour of Berkswell, a glossary, weblinks and a set of worksheets.

Platform : PC
Format : CD ROM
Publisher : Anglia Multimedia Ltd
Authors : Anglia Multimedia Ltd
Date : 2001
Product Code : 9781840502442

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This exhibit has a reference ID of CH72438. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History.
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