Commodore 64 User Manual (Paperback

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Commodore 64 Microcomputer User Manual also known as Commodore 64 User's Guide


"Your new Commodore 64 is the best home computer available today. You can use your Commodore 64 for everything from business applications to household paperwork to exciting games. The 64 offers you lots of memory (64K), lots of color (16 different colors), lots of sound (music and sound effects), and lots of fun and practical uses. You can use pre-packaged software, or you can write your own programs in easy-to-learn BASIC.

This easy-to-read user's guide contains all the information you need to set up your equipment properly, understand how to operate your new Commodore 64, and learn how to create your own simple BASIC programs.
This user's guide is intended to introduce you to computers, but it is beyond the scope of this manual to tell you everything you need to know about computers or about BASIC. However, this guide does refer you to a variety of publications that explain the topics we present here in more detail.

For those of you who don't want to learn how to program, you won't have to search through the whole book to learn how to use Commodore pre-packaged programs and games, or other pre-packaged, third party software. We've put all the information you need to know right up front in Chapters 1 and 2."

Reference Number :

Date Published : 1984

Manufacturer : Commodore Business Machines

Platform : Commodore 64

Format : Paperback: 188 Pages






This exhibit has a reference ID of CH71193. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History.

Commodore 64 User Manual (Paperback

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