Home > LEO Computers > Lyons Electronic Office (LEO) Archive > CMLEO/PB - Peter Bird Collection > CMLEO/PB/PH Photographs > LEO Slides > 69408 LEO I STC Tape Decks

69408 LEO I STC Tape Decks

Description of Photograph

Slide, ink number 28, talk image: LEO I STC tape decks with unspooled tape visible.

[A full photograph of this image can be seen in CMLEO/PB/PH/1/60539. The scan of this slide is possibly reversed.]

Collected by Peter Bird as part of his research for his book LEO - The First Business Computer (1994).

Date: Undated

Photographer: Unidentified

Physical Description: 1 35mm slide; black and white

Archives Hub References: CMLEO/PB/PH/8/69408

Other References: DCMLEO20190913027
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Comment on This Photograph

This exhibit has a reference ID of CH69408. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History.

Photograph of 69408 LEO I STC Tape Decks

Copyright Unknown

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