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Inside the Factory: Malt Loaf
Broadcast on BBC2 TV, 5th January 2022 at 9.00 pm. Greg Wallace and presenters visit a factory baking malt loaves. Meanwhile, historian Ruth Goodman reveals the surprising story of a British baking company that cooked up the first business computer J. Lyons and the LEO Computer. The link is another factory process – the miles of Swiss Rolls baked by Lyons in its Cadby Hall factory. The TV show devotes about 5 minutes, about 40 minutes into the program, to an excellent account of the LEO story. Available on iPlayer until August 5th 2022. Please Note: This item is not in our collection and is included here for signposting purposes only.
Date : 5th January 2022This exhibit has a reference ID of CH67778. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History. |
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