Headmax - Disk Cleaner & Diagnostics (3.5" Format)

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The outside of this disk contains a unique program, the middle of the disk has an accurate calibrating pattern, and the inner surface has been treated with a specially formulated media that cannot damage the delicate heads on your drive and doesn't require the use of solvents either. In fact, everything you need is on one disk.

For the advanced user, HEADMAX incorporates full diagnostics and exercising. The exerciser is a professional tool that can be used to fault find on intermittent drives. The diagnostic section is again for the serious user and has been designed to assist the service engineer repair the drive or simply state what is wrong. All the results can be logged onto a printer for full flexibility.

Platform : PC DOS
Format : 3.5" floppy disk
Publisher : Telematic Systems Ltd
Authors : Telematic Micro Products
Date : Unknown
Product Code :

Other Software by Telematic Systems Ltd:

Item Manufacturer Platform Format Date
Headmax - Disk Cleaner & Diagnostics (3.5" Format) Telematic Systems Ltd PC DOS 3.5" floppy disk Unknown
Headmax - Disk Cleaner & Diagnostics (5.25" Format) Telematic Systems Ltd PC DOS 5.25" Floppy Disk Unknown

Information About Telematic Systems Ltd:




This exhibit has a reference ID of CH67470. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History.
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