10th January 2022
To celebrate the 70th anniversary of the first successful LEO I job run on 30th November 2021, we are pleased to have launched a new film about LEO via YouTube premiere.

Produced by award-winning specialist science production company Boffin Media, and the first of the major outputs of this NLHF-funded project, the film is a major step forward in taking the story of LEO to a whole new generation of people. In the film, the story is told by some of the pioneers like Prof. Frank Land OBE (pictured below), interspersed with commentary by Chris Monk, who is currently engaged as our virtual reality consultant, working on our virtual LEO I.

The film has been catalogued and added to the LEO archive held here at CCH and it has been extremely well received, with some 185 people watching the premiere on the day and since then, at time of writing, it has been viewed more than 6,300 times via YouTube. What better way to get the remarkable story of LEO out to a wide audience?
Feedback has ranged from "...just brilliantly done. Bravo!" to "the 'startup culture' we associate with Silicon Valley and Shoreditch is nothing new" to "pure joy!" and "I can't praise this enough!". Importantly (to us), 96% of people who filled in our questionnaire to give us feedback on the new film learnt something from it and 98% either liked the film a lot or loved it. Viewers have contacted us from around the world from Australia to Germany to South Africa to congratulate us.
To watch the film now on YouTube, visit our catalogue entry.
Posted by: Lisa McGerty

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