Count With Blob

 Home > Browse Our Collection > Manuals > Research Machines > RM Nimbus > Count With Blob

Version 1.2

Manual only.

Compatible with switches and a concept keyboard, so is accessible for those with disabilities.

Platform : BBC Micro
Format :
Publisher : Widgit Software
Authors : Widgit Software
Date : Unknown
Product Code :

Other Software by Widgit Software:

Item Manufacturer Platform Format Date
Writing With Symbols - The Meldreth Suite Widgit Software Acorn Archimedes 3.5" Floppy Disk Unknown
Writing With Symbols - The Meldreth Suite Widgit Software PC Windows 16-bit 3.5" Floppy Disk Unknown
From Pictures to Words Widgit Software Acorn Archimedes 3.5" Floppy Disk 1991
DrawFile Symbol Collection Widgit Software Ltd Acorn RISC 3.5" Disk 1994
Symbols to Sentences Widgit Software Ltd Acorn RISC 3.5" Disk 1995
Chailey Heritage Symbol Collection Widgit Software Ltd Acorn RISC 3.5" Disk 1995
Ken Jones Symbol Collection Widgit Software Acorn RISC PC 3.5" Floppy Disk 1996

Information About Widgit Software:

Item Manufacturer Date
Widgit Software 1982




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