Mathematics - Trains / More or Less / Spike Abacus
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Three mathematics programs, a utility program which is content free and may be used to create and take a quiz with multiple choice questions, instructions for loading the programs, and extensive support materials are included in this package. Trains is an entertaining and motivating program that encourages users to practice addition, subtraction and multiplication skills using numbers of one to four digits. Both speed and accuracy are rewarded through the use of colorful graphics. Users of More or Less will gain practice in establishing the relations between the numbers 0 to 9 and reinforce their understanding of the notations > (greater than), < (less than), and = (equal to). Spike Abacus is a screen simulation of a three-spike abacus with ones, tens and hundreds columns. The user will gain practice at adding from units to tens, and tens to hundreds columns as well as converting between a physical representation of a number and its numeric symbol. The above are based upon programs developed by the Microelectronics Education Programme (M.E.P.) for England, Wales and Northern Ireland (Copyright C.E.T. 1982) and the curriculum guides and lesson plans include portions which have been re-printed with permission of the Council for Educational Technology for the United Kingdom. This package contains Acorn schoolware that meets or exceeds quality standards set by the Acorn Educational Advisory Board. This schoolware has been enhanced by the review process of teacher groups from across the United States. The enclosed curriculum guide and lesson plan are designed by educators for educators.
Kindly donated by Gary Stephenson.
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This exhibit has a reference ID of CH66842. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History. |
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