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LEO and the New Tax Tables

 Home > LEO Computers > LEOPEDIA > Historical Newspapers > LEO and the New Tax Tables

Article in The Kensington Post, 15th July 1955, on LEO I.

Date : 15th July 1955

Transcript :

Leo and the new tax tables
The Royal Borough had a distinguished visitor last week in the Rt. Hon. Henry Brooke, M.P. Financial Secretary to the Treasury. Mr Brook visited the Lyons Electronic Office (Leo) at Cadby Hall, to see the practical result of a very theoretical procedure - the preparation of a big payroll incorporating the new tax scales.

On April 19, when the Chancellor announced the budget and tax changes, it was the mechanical brains of Leo which produced the new tax tables - 64 sets for both salaried and wage earning workers - in 12 hours.

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