Home > LEO Computers > Lyons Electronic Office (LEO) Archive > CMLEO/LS - LEO Comput ... s Society Collection > Photographs > Photographs of LEO I > 61874 LEO I - replacing the floor (1953) |
61874 LEO I - replacing the floor (1953)
Description of Photograph Digital copy of a photograph taken during the process of laying the new floor in the LEO I 'Calculator room' at Cadby Hall. Caption: 'Re-laying floor in Calculator Room'. This image appears in the interactive plan for our Virtual LEO I installation, p78. Related images:
Research comments: This photograph of the 'calculator room' at Cadby Hall is one of the few that show this part of the room. from this direction It looks to have been taken from the doorway next to LEO's power supply (the end of which can just be seen on the right hand side of the photo). The area eventually housed all of the peripheral equipment needed to input and output data to/from LEO. Relaying the wooden floor involved raising it to accommodate cabling underneath. The room is on the second floor and the windows faced out over the enclosed 'quad' around which the offices of WX block (the admin block) were located. (LM) Provenance Date: December 1953 Physical Description: 1 digital image (jpeg); black & white Archives Hub References: CMLEO/LS/PH/1/61874 NAHCB1-63 Other References: DCMLEO20210214051 Comment on This Photograph This exhibit has a reference ID of CH61874. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History. |