Home > LEO Computers > Lyons Electronic Office (LEO) Archive > CMLEO/LS - LEO Comput ... s Society Collection > Photographs > Photographs of LEO I > 61862 Leo Fantl and ... nest Lenaerts (1952) |
61862 Leo Fantl and Ernest Lenaerts (1952)
Description of Photograph Digital copy of a photograph of members of the LEO I team, from left: Leo Fantl and Ernest Lenaerts. Caption: 'Leo Fantl and Lenaerts' This image appears in the interactive plan for our Virtual LEO I installation, p72. Related images: Other photos taken on the same occasion - CMLEO/LS/PH/1/61861, CMLEO/PB/PH/1/60473
Research comments: Ernest Lenaerts was a crucial part of the early LEO team, having spent time at Cambridge working with Maurice Wilkes on the EDSAC machine before Lyons gave the go ahead for building their own calculator. He was an avid notetaker and many of his notebooks from the time are deposited at CCH. Leo Fantl joined Lyons later (in 1950), but also made an important contribution to the development of the first LEO as a pioneer programmer. He was a first rate mathematician and was eventually seconded to Johannesburg in the early 1960s to manage the LEO III bureau set up for Rand Mines. The long roll of what looks like paper suspended over ducting near the ceiling is somewhat strange. We have been unable to establish what it was for. One of LEO's racks of valves, with some covers open, can be seen to the right of Lenaerts. (LM)
Provenance Date: January 1952 Physical Description: 1 digital image (jpeg); black & white; image includes original typed caption Archives Hub References: CMLEO/LS/PH/1/61862 NAHCB1-32 Other References: DCMLEO20210214025 Comment on This Photograph This exhibit has a reference ID of CH61862. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History. |