Ending Man Terminator 2

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This was an extremely popular Famicom Clone, that could play the original Famicom cartridges, or NES ones through an adapter.

Sold in many East European countries, the Middle East, and some African states, it was an extremely successful machine that was widely available in countries that did not have official consoles released. Even when Nintendo did finally release the NES in some of these territories, these clones continued to outsell them, due to a wider user base, and availability of software, and they were also much cheaper. Shaped like a Mega Drive 2, both with the console and the controllers.  

The games themselves were rarely the real deal, with most being Chinese and Russian pirates, with the official games being expensive, these were usually more than entertaining enough, and were produced well into the 2000s.

The machine in Eastern Europe entered popular culture as it is what people in those countries most associate with the 8-Bit era of gaming.

Manufacturer: Ending-Man
Date: 1992

This exhibit has a reference ID of CH60133. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History.

Ending Man Terminator 2

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