ICT Punched Tape tool No: 588254
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One of the first methods of storing data and software for use on a computer was the use of punched paper tape. The tape was fed through a special tape reader and the rows of dots converted to numbers. Each dot corresponds to a BInary digiT (or BIT) of data. Eight bits in a group are called a BYTE (some people refer to half a byte, or 4 bits, as a NYBBLE). The stainless steel ICT E.S.O. Tool No. 588254 is used to check that the punched tape (5, 7 or 8 channel) is accurate to ensure that the the tape can be read correctly. A punched secion of the tape is laid over the template to check the alignment. 1 The guide edge of the tape is palced against the pins to check that the location hole is within tolerence along the limit line 'A' Manufacturer : ICT This exhibit has a reference ID of CH6009. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History. |