Sharp IQ-9000 Electronic Organiser

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The IQ-9000 is an electronic personal organiser with a touchscreen interface. The device comes with a variety of utilities such as a calculator, clock, notebook, calendar and a contacts list.

The PDA could also take cards, that had more sophisticated programs on them, and others that give more memory and even ones that allowed the connection to a PC to back up files. One of the organiser's best features is the ability to write on the screen with the included plastic pen, a very early device to do so.

Devices such as the IQ-9000 would soon find themselves rendered obsolete by ever more sophisticated mobile phones.

Display - 320x240 dot matrix liquid crystal display.
Memory - 256kb.
User Interfaces - Touch pannel, keyboard.
IR transfer - Up to a distance of 80cm.
Power Consumption - 0.31w.
Battery - 70-80 hours


Sharp IQ-9000 Electronic Organiser



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