Home > LEO Computers > LEOPEDIA > Other Memoirs, Reminiscences > Faith Van Rooyen |
Faith Van Rooyen
I started my career in computers by learning to program in basic machine code and Intercode, on a Leo II at Whitely house in London in 1959/60. In fact I wrote, in machine code, the ‘Boot strap’ program to load up and start the operating system running for LEO III. The company I was working for, a subsidiary of the South African mining house Rand Mines, took delivery on one of the early LEO IIIs. Our early programming team, three ladies and one man then designed, wrote, tested and implemented several computer systems, e.g. payroll, stores control. These were later sold and installed in many of the other Mining companies in SA. I continued working for the same company for thirty-five years. Then took early retirement in 1996 and, together with my husband, took our 40ft sailing boat to sea. And spent the next 22 years cruising in the Indian Ocean and South East Asia. Leo Fantl pays tribute to Faith's contribution, as the first programmer recruited by him in South Africa in chapter 25 of the Incredible Story Of the First Business Computer.
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