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John Winterbottom
John Winterbottom Died 10th January, 2017 after a long illness.
One of the first engineers to join John Pinkerton’s LEO design team. His reminiscences are displayed in the memoirs and reminiscence section of Leopedia, though his family suggest his illness may detract from their accuracy.
Joy Winterbottom, John’s widow writes: I think John looked back with great pleasure to his days with LEO & was sorry that the re-location of the company meant a change for him. I certainly got the impression that everyone enjoyed working with LEO and he had many lasting friendships with colleagues from those days. John was a great collector of paperwork so my son & I had a huge task sorting through it after he died. Peter reminded me that he always had the metal plaque ‘LEO-ONE’ on his desk.
Articles Written by John Winterbottom :