Macintosh System package

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Macintosh package including: System; MacWrite; MacPaint for the Apple Macintosh Plus, usually provided with the computer. Includes a comprehensive manual to help the new user to learn about the revolutionary Macintosh and its system and application software.

The system section includes Using the Finder: Mouse Techniques, Handling Windows, Managing Documents, Managing Disks.

The Appendix on Macintosh Specifications:

Processor: Motorola MC68000, 32-bit architecture. 7.8336MHz clock frequency

Memory:   128K bytes RAM; 64K bytes ROM

Disk:          3.5 inch 400K bytes formatted

Screen:      9-inch diagonal, high resolution 512-pixel by 342-pixel bit-mapped display

Interfaces: Synchronous serial keyboard bus 2 RS232/RS422 serial ports, 230.4K baud, Mouse interface, External disk

Sound generator: 4-voice sound with 8-bit digital-analog conversion 22 KHz sample rate

Input:         Line voltage 105 to 125 volts AC, RMS Frequency 50 to 60 Hz  Power 60 watts

Keyboard:  58 key, 2-key rollover, software mapped

Mouse:       Mechanical tracking, optical shaft encoding 3.54 pilse per mm (90 pulse per inch)

Clock/calendar:   CMOS custom chip with 4.5 volt user-replaceable battery backup.

MacWrite is a What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get WYSIWYG word processor for the first Apple Macintosh systems in 1984. Together with MacPaint, it was one of the two original killer applications that established the popularity of the Graphical User Interface GUI. The first versions had only basic editing features and able to handle just a few pages of text before running into performance problems, as the entire document was in memory.  MacWrite established the use of a toolbar for selecting paragraph formatting options, font and style menus, and a ruler for tabs, margins, and indents.

MacPaint was a raster graphics editor released  on January 24, 1984. It was sold separately for $195 with MacWrite. It could generate graphics that could be used by other applications. Using the mouse, and the  clipboard and  QuickDraw  picture language, pictures could be copies from MacPaint and pasted into MacWrite documents.

The original MacPaint was developed by Bill Atkinson, a member of Apple's original Macintosh development team. It was later developed by Claris, the software subsidiary of Apple which was formed in 1987.

Platform: Apple Macintosh Plus 128Kb RAM  Disk 3.25 

               OS: Mac OS  System 3.3      

System Software (SS:) Mac OS System 3.3

Platform : Apple Macintosh
Format : 3.5" Floppy Disk
Publisher : Apple
Authors :
Date : 1984
Product Code :

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Information About Apple:

Item Manufacturer Date
Apple Computer Inc. 1 Apr 1976




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