Minutes of the LEO Management Meeting, 9th October 1959. The final page(s) appears to be missing.
Date : 9th October 1959
Physical Description : 1 item (3 pages), paper; typescript
Transcript :
Minutes of the LEO Management Meeting
Friday 9th October 1959
PRESENT: Mr Anthony Salmon, Mr Simmons, Mr Thompson, Mr Barnes, Mr Caminer, Mr Pinkerton
Arising from last weeks minutes
German Marketing. Mr Caminer mentioned that the invitation for our party to visit Lancaster House was not yet definite.
Arising from the Programming Progress Report
Glyn Mills job. Mr Pinkerton said he would like to be told why the Glyn Mills job had taken an excess time over estimate so that he could consider whether this was due to lack of facilities.
British Oxygen. Mr Thompson referred to the need for postponement that was mentioned in the supplementary report. This had not been realised until the last few days and he said it showed the need for a closer follow-up.
CAV. Mr Thompson confirmed that the reason for the delay was entirely due to change in requirements and not because the programmers could not cope.
Sales Forecast
Fords. The progress of getting this order depended on clarifying the position at Aveley. Mr Caminer said good progress had been made; he felt that the staff doing routine work could be cut down and the punched card equipment needed; also more operating time could be got from the present equipment by better organisation of maintenance. It did not appear that extra equipment would help much except perhaps about 10 days time, to prepare a report showing the position in a more favourable light. The computer had been used to give special information at short notice which would not have been possible under the old system, but no attempt had been made to report this to higher management. Mr Caminer promised to try and get the Ford management to re-submit the Dagenham proposals to the USA at the earliest possible moment.
This is progressing slowly.
Tate & Lyle
Greater interest in LEO is again being shown and they are beginning to recognise the deficiencies of DEUCE.
They have asked Urwick-Diebold to make a study. They have written to computer manufacturers asking them to give assistance. They are also continuing discussions with us; Storer is visiting next week.
Renolds Chains
Halpin is anxious to get all the Board with him, but they will not be able to discuss the scheme until December.
Standard Motors
Our press notice is to go out next Monday. Our press agents had cut out reference to the use of their computer as a service bureau without consulting us but this matter has now been cleared up. Advertisements, costing £1,000, and confined to the Standard Motors installation, will also go in The Times, Sunday Times, Financial Times and Technical Press at the same time.
It was agreed that we should discuss with Mr Aspland at a convenient time the rates that they would eventually use for charging for service work.
Motta Market Research Tabulations
It was mentioned that the Operations Research were asking for a fee for the use of their programmes. It was agreed that a percentage of the Operations Research charge should be included and quoted to Motta.
LEO II/9. Consideration was given as to whether LEO II/9 should be used for Fords or Ilfords. It was agreed that a decision could not be reached until it was known how soon Ilford could take the computer. It seemed unlikely this could be before September 1960 in any case. Plans would be made for the changeover so that it was suitable for Ilford, but no physical change would be made until the position was clearer. A small core store could be ordered because this could be used on LEO II/10 if LEO II/9 were to be the Ford machine.
A third magnetic tape machine would be needed for Ilford but an order for this need not be placed until February to meet the September date.
LEO II/10. It was agreed that we should order two magnetic tape machines at a cost of £10,000. Mr Thompson agreed to let the Westminster Bank know of the Ilford order so that we could start borrowing on the work in progress on LEO II/9.
LEO II/11. Mr Barnes mentioned that we had ordered Plessey packages for LEO II/8 to 11 machines; if we have to cancel the order in respect of LEO II/11 we should be involved in a £614 penalty. Mr Kaye was however in negotiation to see if we could save some of this if later we renewed the order. It was agreed to wait the outcome of these negotiations.
Mr Thompson mentioned that £1,000 of standard units were available for LEO II/11 from spares which had been ordered for previous computers and would not now be required by them.
Mr Handley's report of 8th October was considered. The recommendation was agreed subject to the question of speeds. It was felt that the speeds suggested were too slow as they were not sufficiently greater than the Powers printer. Mr Pinkerton agreed to re-examine this question. High speeds would not, however, be recommended unless we were satisfied that a proper standard of printing could be obtained with them.
Powers Printer price
It was agreed that it was not necessary to inform people to whom we made quotations fo the increased quotation for the Powers printer unless further discussions were held with them.
Tape machines in the USA
Mr Pinkerton said that he was proposing that a visit should be made to the USA to check up on the performance of certain tape machines. It was essential that before long we should choose one to link to our pilot LEO III.
Refrigeration of computer room
Mr Thompson's report of 23rd September 1959 was considered and accepted. It was agreed that we should now make plans for the installation of a system for LEO II/5. We should, when convenient, recommend to Standard Motors and Ilford that they should provide refrigeration to their computer rooms.
Hartree House
It was agreed that there should be no attempt at an official opening unless a really eminent person would do this. It was hoped it might be possible to do this next year, perhaps combining it with an announcement on LEO III.
Mr Caminer and Mr Pinkerton promised to collaborate on an announcement about Hartree House to the Technical Press.
Provenance : Collected by Peter Bird.
Archive References : CMLEO/PB/CM/1/19591009
, PJB/1/1 (PJB v1)
, DCMLEO20190823045-047
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